Guest anthropologist, ecologist, biologist and technology blogger Gerald joins Mark from Austria. They discuss the geek way of embodiment, wearable technology (e.g. Fitbit), anti-body addictions, heroic endeavours, missions to Mars, what’s wrong with the Matrix movies, and ecology; including body-hating and genocidal tendencies within environmentalism.
They also hit on Chinese and post-Nazi Austrian embodiment, and healthy vs. unhealthy nationalism, as embodied culture is explored on the show once again. They look at how technology, marathons and extreme or “ultra” sports, and even eating chilli (Gerard is an expert), can be embodying and disembodying, and the dangers of judging any activity from appearances. A fun quirky one.
Guest anthropologist, ecologist, biologist and technology blogger Gerald joins Mark from Austria. They discuss the geek way of embodiment, wearable technology (e.g. Fitbit), anti-body addictions, heroic endeavours, missions to Mars, what’s wrong with the Matrix movies, and ecology; including body-hating and genocidal tendencies within environmentalism.
They also hit on Chinese and post-Nazi Austrian embodiment, and healthy vs. unhealthy nationalism, as embodied culture is explored on the show once again. They look at how technology, marathons and extreme or “ultra” sports, and even eating chilli (Gerard is an expert), can be embodying and disembodying, and the dangers of judging any activity from appearances. A fun quirky one.