October 2021

388. How to conflict – With Jason Gaddis

Author of Getting to Zero and Founder of The Relationship School joins me to discuss communication skills, listening, conflict, polarisation, NVC, co-regulation, the five types of the fight, top tips and more. A beneficial one for anyone who has relationships of any kind! https://www.jaysongaddis.com

387. Embodied meditation – With Martin Aylward

Embodied meditation teacher joins me to discuss spiritual bypassing, existential crisis, the word “mindfulness”, close vs far, “young man’s practice”, relaxation, “belief in tension”, the body as flow, somatic blocks, trauma armouring, dark night experiences, the “body field”, death and COVID, heart practices, and space. A mega useful leading-edge embodied geek out. https://sangha.live https://www.moulindechaves.org https://www.mindfulnesstraininginstitute.com

386. Embodied leadership – With Lisa Dempsey

Lisa Dempsey joins Allison Lindsay to talk about bringing the body into leadership, tuning into the impact you want to have in the world, leadership as a day-to-day practice, creating psychological safety in teams, masculine and feminine energies, how intention influences impact, and bringing the unconscious into conscious awareness. https://www.leadershiplabs.eu

384. Grief Yoga, trauma and healing – With Paul Denniston

Paul Denniston joins Allison Lindsay to talk about how movement supports us to process grief, the cycle of compassionate transformation, the importance of allowing laughter within grief, emotional liberation, the grief brain, and how we can use pain and suffering as fuel for healing. https://griefyoga.com www.healingthroughyoga.com

383. Dance meets therapy – With Andrea Juhan

Conscious dance teacher Andrea joins me to discuss growing up with body therapy, what’s changed, trauma, how dance and therapy meet, what her works look like, encounter, American and therapeutic culture, the times we’re in, online work, the future of this work, Internet cul du sacs, Open Floor and grandchildren. A wonderful opportunity. https://www.andreajuhan.com

382. The stages of trauma – With Patricia Aguirre

Therapist and Embodiment Unlimited Co-lead Patrícia joins me to discuss the upcoming trauma event. We talk about the new ground we’re breaking, the scale of trauma, how trauma distorts perception, stages of healing, marketing and more — another practical, innovative one. https://embodimentunlimited.com/hidden-trauma/

381. Polyvagal Trauma – With Deb Dana

Trauma educator and Polyvagal expert Deb joins me to discuss Stephen Porge’s work, her own background, neuroception, hierarchy, dorsal vagal, weaponised victimhood, psychopaths, nervous system reciprocity, repair work, loneliness, nature, art, music, pets, co-regulation, pandemic, “fawn” response, how to have fantastic sex, kink, low-level trauma, how we can develop superpowers and covid. A wonderful useful …

381. Polyvagal Trauma – With Deb Dana Read More »

380. What are trauma superpowers? – with Paul Linden

Trauma educator (and my mentor) Paul joins me to discuss our new learning model of trauma, is everyone traumatised, powerlessness, superpowers, martial arts, the use of trauma, love and power, violence, relating, language use, the new age, the new global network, the “smile of freedom”, and more. A funny, touching, deep one. Some triggering stuff …

380. What are trauma superpowers? – with Paul Linden Read More »

379. What trauma really is – With Ilan Stephani

Trauma educator Ilan Stephani joins me to talk about control issues, trauma and learning, trauma as something we’re rewarded for, trauma vs personality, the lying body, healing and politics, unworthiness, being weird after healing, cultural trauma, seeking safety, Munich vs Berlin, poverty, victimhood, and trauma and mysticism. A deep, wild, fun dialogue with someone I …

379. What trauma really is – With Ilan Stephani Read More »

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