
481. What is Intermediate Meditation? – With Mark Walsh

Intermediate meditation from an embodied and dharmic perspectice rooted in buddhism. Mark talks buddhism, dharma, meditation and concentration or mindfulness directed toward the body and lived experience of the body. Integration into the world as more than a meat suit when practiced rather than transcendental, lucid living, realisation or beyond body experiences of the more …

481. What is Intermediate Meditation? – With Mark Walsh Read More »

480. Falling in love with everything – With Martin Aylward and Karin van Maanen

Martin and Karin dive deep – only to come back up to the surface to discover the richness right here! Martin sheds light on what constitutes true freedom with his usual clarity and enthusiasm. An encouraging and inspiring conversation for depth junkies and escape artists (and anyone who meditates). https://martinaylward.com/ https://embodimentunlimited.com/ Thanks for listening!

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