Embodiment Apprenticeship

Live sustainably, as an excellent embodied facilitator

For coaches & facilitators who want to take the next step...

Do you want to develop excellence as an embodiment coach or facilitator?

Maybe you want to grow a sustainable business doing what you love?

Embodiment Apprenticeship will help you to do just that.

We’ll build a personal student-teacher relationship where I nurture you on your journey. It includes…


What you'll get...

Apprenticeship covers two core topics live, which alternate days:

These are taught by me plus guest experts…


Mark Walsh
Mark Walsh

CEO & Founder of Embodiment Unlimited

Mark Walsh leads embodiment, coaching and trauma education trainings.

He is the author of EmbodimentWorking with the Body in Training and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation. Mark hosts The Embodiment Podcast (2 million+ downloads), and led The Embodiment Conference (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a theme yet?

He founded the Embodied Facilitator Course, and the Certificate of Embodiment Coaching. Mark has certified over 2000 embodiment coaches, and taught workshops in over 40 other countries.

He gained an honours degree in psychology (despite been an alcoholic at the time), and has taught widely in the corporate world – where he pretended to be a grown up for years – including with blue-chip companies (e.g. Google, Unilever, Shell, Axa, L’Oreal).

Mark has worked in war zones (including founding a trauma education charity in Ukraine), and entertained over 50,000 children. He has headlined International Coach Federation events, lived with the circus and in slums, taught celebrities, and kissed a princess.

Mark is an aikido black belt, and also has 28 years of experience in other martial arts, yoga, bodywork, improv comedy, conscious dance and meditation.

Embodiment is his obsession, life’s work, and frankly, at this point he couldn’t get a job doing anything else. He dances like your dad at a wedding, impresses cats with his stroking, and offends pirates with his swearing.

Mark’s now tired of writing in the third person. It’s getting weird.

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George Kao

Authentic Business Coach, Author

George Kao’s full-time work since 2009 has been coaching, mentoring, and teaching people to create sustainable and joyful businesses.

He specialises in helping people develop an engaging social media presence – via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube – and to nurture an authentic online reputation through their own blogs, videos, and books.

Clients seek George out when they want to grow an audience, stabilise a good income, and structure their work life so that they can experience deeper joy and freedom.

George’s mission is to deliver the best coaching and content that empowers every coach, healer, and teacher to (1) do their marketing in an authentic way and (2) operate their business with joyful productivity.

The values that inspire George are generosity, warm-heartedness, diligence, humility, light-heartedness, gentleness, balance, and authenticity.

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Tad Hargrave

Founder - Marketing for Hippies

Tad Hargrave is a hippy who developed a knack for marketing (and then learned to be a hippy again).

He spent his late teens being schooled in a mixed bag of approaches to sales and marketing – some manipulative and some not. When that career ended, he spent a decade unlearning and unpacking what he’d been through.

How had he been swept up in it? Why didn’t those approaches work as well as advertised? Were there ways of marketing that both worked better and felt better to all involved?  It took him time but he began to find a better way to market.

By 2006, he had become one of the first, full-time ‘conscious business’ marketing coaches (for hippies) and created a business where he could share the understanding he had come to: Marketing could feel good. You didn’t have to choose between marketing that worked (but felt awful) or marketing that felt good (but got you no clients).

Since 2001, he has been touring his marketing workshops around Canada, the United States, Europe, and online, bringing refreshing and unorthodox ideas to conscious entrepreneurs and green businesses that help them grow their organizations and businesses (without selling their souls). Instead of charging outrageous amounts, he started doing most of his events on a pay what you can basis. He is the author of sixteen books and workbooks on marketing.

Tad currently lives in Edmonton, Alberta (traditionally known, in the local indigenous language of the Cree, as Amiskwaciy (Beaver Hill) and later Amiskwaciwaskihegan (Beaver Hill House)) and his ancestors come primarily from Scotland with some from the Ukraine as well. He is now dedicated to spending the rest of his days preserving and fostering a more deeply respectful, beautiful and human culture.

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Patricia Aguirre

Therapist, Embodiment Trainer

Patricia offers psychological coaching processes with a particular focus on women’s needs.

She is a specialist and trainer in trauma work and CPTSD worldwide. 

Patricia teaches body work, somatics and embodiment, and holds a masters in family constellations.

She’s been trained in the neurobiology of human behavior, as well as attachment-based therapies, certified as couples counsellor with attachment-based outlooks, and transpersonal therapy. 

Patricia combines all of this education with a foundation of 20 years of experience on a personal spiritual pursuit in eastern philosophies that she now integrates in a grounded expression of spirituality for everyday life application.

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During August and December there will be less calls with me , with peer-led and guest sessions concentrated during these months.

Hear from an Apprentice...

“Embodiment Apprenticeship is a program that makes a big difference for me.

Firstly, I am part of a community of coaches and facilitators, which is motivating for me, it keeps me going.

At the same time, I am growing as a person and as a coach because of the supervision, coaching from Mark and other apprentices. I have the opportunity to deepen my coaching principles and learn new techniques.

And finally, I really appreciate the regular sessions from guests who bring their know how in different areas from marketing, business building, niche to other methods of working with clients.”

Daniel Navratil (Brno, Czechia)

What it's really about...

The learning opportunities you’ll get on Embodiment Apprenticeship are second-to-none (see all the self-paced courses you’ll have access to below).

But more than that, Apprenticeship is a community.

What I’m hearing is that most students want to go deeper than the standard online course allows.

They want a personalised relationship with a mentor, who gets to know them and their work.

And they want to cultivate a supportive community of peers, on a similar journey as them.

I know from similar groups I’ve led in the past is that this is what the real value of Apprenticeship is.

Self-paced embodiment courses you'll have access to...

Embody you leadership
Embody Your Leadership

The most complete embodiment course we've ever put together. Find your own authentic leadership style and have a greater impact on your world by focusing on your unique strengths and working with your embodiment.

Embodied meditation
Embodied Meditation

Learn specific tools and techniques to facilitate meditation confidently and safely. Take your practice off the cushion, into your life, then learn to guide clients to do the same.
(This will only be available to those on Everything Embodiment All At Once).

Embodiment Coaching

Learn from Mark Walsh as he coaches real clients, then breaks down exactly what he did and why. The more real life examples you have access to, the better prepared you’ll be for the wide range of clients you’ll encounter in your coaching career.

Embodied marketing
Embodied Marketing

Learn to market yourself ethically and authentically to make a good living bringing what you love to the people who need it. Create a marketing plan for your business to carry you forward into the next stage of growth.

Embodied spirituality
Embodied Spirituality

Embodied Spirituality is a journey towards greater clarity, discernment, and authentic grounded spirituality. You’ll be supported to find your own pragmatic approach to embodiment & spirituality. One that works for you. Now. In these times of chaos.

trauma superpower logo
Trauma is Your Superpower

Transform the worst things that have happened to you into your greatest gifts. Get practical models and techniques to transform your trauma and help you take the next step in post-traumatic growth – from ‘good enough’ to ‘great’.

Design an online course
Design an Online Course

Learn how to design, sell and deliver an online embodiment course. Get tech support and embodied tools to help you to reach more people, at a more affordable price for them, whilst making a better living for yourself.

embodied conference image
The Embodiment Conference

Over 1000 hours of embodied education from the world's leading facilitators in coaching, therapy, meditation, yoga, dance, martial arts, leadership, breathwork and more...

People unpleasing
People Unpleasing

Learn the tell-tale signs of if you’re a people pleaser, and what to do about it. You'll get practical techniques to set better boundaries and ask for more of what you want (without the guilt or anxiety).

courage to lead logo
Courage to Lead

For female facilitators and professionals to raise their confidence to the same level as their abilities. If you question your right to stand up and own what you actually know you do well, this'll help. Learn specific embodiment tools to face fear and act anyway.

Purpose Blackbelt

A complete guide to discovering or realigning your purpose. You'll remove any internal blocks standing between you and a purpose-filled, fruitful life. Get clear about what you want to do with your life, so you can get out of your way and live the life you dream about.

Intro to trauma
Introduction to Trauma

Learn what trauma is, and the ways it can show up in the body. You'll explore new paradigms of trauma, why trauma education is needed right now, and how it can be incorporated into coaching.

Everyday Embodiment logo
Everyday Embodiment

Learn the basic embodiment tools you need to do life better. You’ll get a comprehensive toolkit for navigating conflict, pain, anxiety, parenting and more. Expect exercises you can use in your world, not hours of advice and theory.

Embodied boundaries logo
Embodied Boundaries

From ‘too nice’ to an empowered life. Embodied Boundaries guides you through a carefully designed four-step process to set challenging boundaries in your life with kindness and stand strong when the world responds.

21 days to better sleep logo
21 Days to Better Sleep

Learn how the things you do (or don’t do) through the day can have an impact on your sleep. You'll be guided through embodied explorations and simple exercises to build into your routine in this self-paced programme.

Empowered relationships
Empowered Relationships

Get more from intimate relationships (whether you’re in one or not). You’ll explore your true wants, desires, boundaries and limiting patterns, and learn practical tools to help you connect more authentically with your partner.

Join Embodiment Apprenticeship

Embodiment Apprenticeship


2-year minimum

Starting now

Monthly price
(minimum 2 years)


Total $3600

Embodiment Apprenticeship

Two years


Starting now

2-year price


Save $800

Embodiment Apprenticeship

With 1-to-1 coaching

Customised payments

12 months

Full price


Email Agi on agi@integrationtraining.co.uk with the email subject “Apprenticeship + 1-to-1” to set up your payment

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