
113. Deep Embodiment – with Peter Appel

Peter Appel joins us form Finland to discuss his journey from pain and yoga to free movement, mindbody vs bodymind, the criticality of relaxation, the importance of pleasure, Finnish slowness and silence, the dangers and benefits of sports, smell as a primitive connector, linguistic diversity and history, environmental destruction and connection, the beauties and dangers of …

113. Deep Embodiment – with Peter Appel Read More »

102. Pain, sitting and eating – with Sindre Haga Andreassen

Sindre joins the show from Oslo to discuss the evils of sitting, NASA research, issues with traditional yoga, Foundation Training and Eric Goodman, Anatomy Trains and Tom Myers, anatomy vs embodiment, biotensegrity, fascia, balance, diet / nutrition, the dangers of office work and antidotes to it, inflammation, the EFC course, chronic pain, centring, threats, bodywork and …

102. Pain, sitting and eating – with Sindre Haga Andreassen Read More »

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