Empowered Relationships
Do you feel seen, heard and appreciated?
Play me!

Pre-recorded video content

8 weeks of pre-recorded group tutorials

Special offer:
Over 50% off
Have you ever felt unsatisfied in a relationship?
Frustrated that you’re not getting what you want and need?
Lonely even though you’re in a relationship?
Like you're the only one trying?
Maybe you struggle to say ‘no’, can’t be yourself around them or feel unfulfilled.
You’re not alone.
Creating a happy, healthy relationship isn’t easy. Learning to set and respect boundaries, to communicate openly, be playful, fun, meet each other’s needs…
These are skills that no one teaches us.
What if you could feel truly seen, heard and fulfilled?
Imagine a world where your partner understands what you want without you having to hint at them.
Imagine you can communicate freely without getting fired up and having a blowout, using conflicts as opportunities for growth rather than destruction.
Imagine having playful mornings, bicker-free evenings and feeling truly connected to them.
But that’s the stuff of fairytales, right?

It is possible, but it all starts with you
The one thing that’s consistent in all of your relationships is you.
So if you want to feel heard, loved, satisfied, sexy, worthy – it starts from within.
Your communication, your boundaries, your self-love and respect, overcoming your destructive patterns.
After all, you can’t control their behaviour, but you can light the way.

Empowered Relationships

Helping you get more joy and fulfilment from an intimate relationship
(now or in the future)
Recorded content | Interactive learning

Structured step-by-step programme

Practical tools for all kinds of situations
About this course
Course overview
Empowered Relationships is an 8-week intimacy course designed to help you get more from an intimate relationship (whether you’re in one right now or not).
Over 8 weeks you’ll explore your true wants, desires, boundaries and limiting patterns, and learn practical tools to use in the relationship to help you connect more with your partner.
With tools for playfulness, connection, boundaries, conflict and more, you’ll come away from this course with practical solutions to many of the problems you face in your romantic relationship as well as other relationships in your life.
What’s inside?
The course at a glance
Simple tools to transform your relationship
Proven and practical tools from leading relationship experts to
help you (and your clients) with all kinds of situations.
Be your truest self
Being unapologetically you in relationships, present or future.
Feel more connected to your partner
Cultivating attraction and creating moments of intimacy with your partner.
Communicate your wants and needs
Confidently and authentically make requests without causing conflict.
Set healthy boundaries
Setting healthy boundaries to help you feel more empowered.
Turn conflicts into growth moments
Simple conflict resolution tools to help you resolve and grow together.
Connect with who you are
Practical self care tools to help you regulate and manage your emotions.

High quality video content

Pre-recorded group tutorials

Progress journal to track your growth
Course overview
Curriculum & schedule

Week 1: Self Connection
Week 1 is all about self-connection, self-care and stress management.
Becoming aware of your body
Pleasure as an embodied practice. Waking up your hands.
Some notes on the practice
Exploring self care
Notice and work with your stress response
Why pleasure is important
Direct and indirect pleasure

Week 2: Connection to Others
Week 2 focuses on the relational dimension of life which pervades all areas. Understanding your own past and present patterns of relating will be at the core of the week.
Relationship dynamics and patterns
Relationship Myths
Fitting in vs being yourself
What’s here right now? Noticing practices (practice video, people to demo)
Connecting Authentically to others

Week 3: Boundaries
During Week 3, we’ll look at boundaries as a key domain of healthy, empowered relationships. We’ll discover the patterns we have developed instead of setting clear boundaries, and look at anger and responsibility.
Boundaries and saying NO + downloadable cheat sheet
EYP “NO” pose
Boundaries & Compassion
Boundaries, limits, domain
Anger - scale of anger - anger as a healthy indicator
What stops us from saying no and what do we do instead

Week 4: Desire and Requests
Week 4 is about understanding what you want and then asking for it. Relearning to connect to your own desires, work with shame, reclaim permission, and courageously express your desires.
Intro to Desires
Shame as a roadblock
Antidotes to unhealthy shame
Learn to be ok with not getting what you want
Joy tennis
Direct clear requests
Scale of response Yes, no, maybe
The value of desire (even when unfulfilled) Coming to terms with rejection

Week 5: Attraction as an Active Practice
Week 5 is all about attraction and how to work with it instead of simply letting it happen or even waiting for it to be there. Understanding what you are attracted to, what makes people attractive and how you can cultivate a sustained sense of attraction even in long term relationships.
Noticing Attraction - an Inquiry
Embodiment to boost attractiveness
The 4 Elements in relating
Integrating shadows and projections
Attraction as a practice

Week 6: Handling Conflict
Week 6 focuses on conflict and how it can be a resource to create more fulfilling relationships. Learning simple tools to resolve and grow rather than destroy relationships.
Conflict as an evolutionary practice
Listening as a key to resolving conflict
Welcome yourself
Creating a container for enquiry + tips

Week 7: Leveraging Playfulness
During week 7 we’ll work with the curiosity and innocence.
Waking up your curiosity
Special time practice
Exploring desires
The element of play
The 3-minute game

Week 8: Commitments you don’t need to run from
In our final week, you’ll take time to reflect on your journey along with your peers and see what you’ve learnt and how far you’ve come. This is also an opportunity to solidify your commitment to put all of this into practice – creating the fulfilling, happy, healthy relationships you want in your life.
Graduation ceremony
Q&A session
Reflection and integration
Course leaders
In 2010, Adam started Shush Dating, a speed dating space where there’s no talking after realising he wasn’t the best at traditional dating. Since its inception, Shush has helped hundreds of couples find love, with dozens of marriages and even some babies on the way thanks to Adam’s work.
Adam is also a trained counsellor, founder of Togetherness Movement, and works with businesses, organisations and local governments to create cultures of togetherness in the workplace.
Oh, and in 2019, he organised the biggest ever spooning circle EVER at Wilderness Festival with 1,448 spooners showing up and connecting with each other.

Much of her work focuses on relating and intimacy, helping people become aware of their patterns and break those that aren’t serving them well.
She’s a master of integrated mixed modalities from many worlds. She works as a Trainer on the Embodied Facilitator Course, holds a black belt in Aikido, and is a passionate dancer and improviser. She also holds an MSc in Social Sciences.
Her work (or her partner might argue her need to taste every type of chocolate) has taken her all around the world, from London, Berlin and Switzerland to South East Asia and back.

Who this course is for
People in a relationship who want to keep it happy and healthy
People who want a better relationship than they’ve had in the past
Coaches and facilitators who want to address clients’ issues around intimacy
Who this course is not for
People who think everything is their partner’s fault
People who want to pay us money and not put in the work
People who think they’ll find the perfect person from buying this course
People who have seen positive changes in their relationships thanks to this work

Double money-back guarantee
This course is about you, not ‘them’. So we’re not promising you’ll find Mr or Mrs Right or that your partner will suddenly change overnight.
But we can promise that if you watch all the videos, turn up to all the live sessions and put these tools into practice for a minimum of 6 months and don’t feel like you’ve learnt any practical tools you can use moving forward – we’ll give you double your money back.
Special course bonuses
$575 worth of added goodies to help you along your journey

8 weeks of pre-recorded tutorials
Online learning’s great because you can do it in your own time, but it’s really great to have your questions answered by the course creators too. Get valuable practice time with your community and personalise your learning.

Relationship Reconnection Week recordings
20 x 60-minute masterclasses on relationships. There were a whole lot of ‘aha’ moments in Relationship Reconnection week, you’ll be able to go back to them whenever you need a bit of a reminder.

Taking No Shi*t workshop with Mark Walsh
Learn to be truthful instead of nice and get comfortable around being yourself. Overcome people-pleasing. Learn tips from me… but maybe without being quite as rude

Talks from The Embodiment Conference
To round out your learning from Adam and Christina we’ve included talks from other leaders in the fields of intimacy and trauma (Betty Martin, Stephen Porges etc.). Deepen your understanding of why the skills you’re learning in the course work.
Start building the relationship you want today
Personal practice package

44 bite sized videos
8 prerecorded tutorials
28.5 hours hours of learning
- 15 x Relationship Reconnection Week masterclass recordings (days 1-3)
- Progress journal
- Taking No Shi*t workshop with Mark Walsh
Got a question about the course or not sure which package is for you? Email support@embodimentunlimited.com and we’ll see how we can help.
Once you buy the course you get access to the learning platform and the bonuses.
You’ll need to put 1 hour a week aside to learn, practise and implement the learning into your life. This includes watching the videos, exercising and reflecting.
If you feel more comfortable working through the course with your partner then go for it. However, please bear in mind that some practices and techniques used are potentially triggering and could bring up issues if not done correctly. That’s why a lot of people prefer to work through the curriculum alone at first.
Forever! Once you buy this course, it’s yours to keep referring to whenever you need it. Whether you and your partner want to return to it every 12 months, or if you find yourself single at some other stage in your life, this course acts as your guide to more fulfilling, empowered relationships, now and forever.
No. You are expected to journal your thoughts, feelings and findings as you go, however, this is just for your learning and growth. There is nothing to be checked on this course.
No. This course is not in any way, shape or form couple’s counselling or therapy. The techniques and tools shared are for helping you connect more with yourself and your partner, but can’t promise to solve deep-rooted issues within the relationship.
The week of 18th October 2021.
There’s no straight answer here. If you feel comfortable with whatever outcomes this course brings for you, then go for it. However, if you feel you aren’t in the right headspace for diving deep into yourself and the relationship right now, we’d advise leaving this course for now.
If you can’t dedicate some time every week to this course, you can still buy the course and watch the pre-recorded content when you have more free time. The live tutorials also will be recorded and uploaded on the learning platform, so you can pick them up whenever you want.