
516. Tengu Decadence : Miles Kessler

Meditation and aikido teacher Miles joins me to talk discipline, Tengu, aikido, shadow, maturity, meta-modernism, nationalism, Israel and more. A great conversation about the state of the world.

If you would like to know more about Decadence visit

Mark on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@Mark-Walsh

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Miles Kessler is a meditation teacher, Aikido Sensei, and director of The Integral
Dojo. He is a dual lineage holder in both Buddhist meditation, and Aikido. For
over 25 years Miles has been teaching meditation and the embodiment spiritual
awakening to thousands of people around the world.
As is the former director of Aikido Without Borders Miles established dojos in
Israel and Palestine where he facilitated cross cultural trainings in the martial art
of Aikido.

Miles is the director of The Integral Dojo, an online school of meditation, aikido
and integral practices. His work focuses on helping people get established in the
practice of mindfulness, progressing through the development of meditative
insight, and evolving and embodied expression of the Dharma in the world.

Website: www.theintegraldojo.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MilesKessler/

Thanks for listening!


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Our Podcast Interviewers

Mark Walsh

Founder of The Embodied Facilitator CourseEmbodied Yoga Principles, Integration Training and The Embodiment Podcast.

Patricia Aguirre

Patricia is a Therapist, Yoga Teacher and Family Constellations Facilitator. She is a lead trainer of the Trauma Coaching certification and the Courage to Lead course for female facilitators.

Karin van Maanen

Karin is a yoga & meditation teacher and embodiment trainer with an MSc in Mindfulness Studies. She's co-author of Embodied Meditation and is lead trainer on the Embodied Meditation and Embodied Toolkit certifications.

Christina Dohr

Christina is an embodiment coach and somatic educator with an MSc in Social Sciences. She's co-lead trainer on the Certification of Embodiment Coaching and Courage to Lead courses. Christina combines her work as an Aikido blackbelt, dance and improvisation in guiding groups and individuals.


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