
446. Why diets don’t work – With Victoria Kleinsman and Mark Walsh

Food freedom and body love coach Victoria joins me to talk dieting, anorexia, the modern food context, sugar “addiction”, binging, restriction, feeding kids, how to love your body, can “health at any size goes to far”,

An important one for many of us as a society view and western conditioning of food and eating. 

Victoria Kleinsman is a food freedom and body love coach who has beaten anorexia – bulimia – binge eating disorder and domestic abuse. Victoria helps you to make peace with food, become besties with your body & fall madly in love with yourself.

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Free access to the first modules of my paid Body Love Binge Program: https://victoriakleinsman.com/free-access-to-first-few-modules/

Website: https://www.victoriakleinsman.com/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/victoriakleinsman 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victoriakleinsmanofficial/ 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VictoriaKleinsman 


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Our Podcast Interviewers

Mark Walsh

Founder of The Embodied Facilitator CourseEmbodied Yoga Principles, Integration Training and The Embodiment Podcast.

Patricia Aguirre

Patricia is a Therapist, Yoga Teacher and Family Constellations Facilitator. She is a lead trainer of the Trauma Coaching certification and the Courage to Lead course for female facilitators.

Karin van Maanen

Karin is a yoga & meditation teacher and embodiment trainer with an MSc in Mindfulness Studies. She's co-author of Embodied Meditation and is lead trainer on the Embodied Meditation and Embodied Toolkit certifications.

Christina Dohr

Christina is an embodiment coach and somatic educator with an MSc in Social Sciences. She's co-lead trainer on the Certification of Embodiment Coaching and Courage to Lead courses. Christina combines her work as an Aikido blackbelt, dance and improvisation in guiding groups and individuals.


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