5pm UK time (9am PDT) Wed, starting June 14
creating online courses
online courses created
online course students
Imagine helping people, in a way that’s financially sustainable for you, and makes your work accessible globally.
Online courses make this possible.
You know the benefits: reach more people, at a more affordable price for them, whilst making a better living for yourself. And those who may have been unable to join your other offerings, now can. Nice.
But… it can be difficult knowing where to start. Most of us aren’t “techy” right??!
That’s where Design & Deliver an Online Embodiment Course (DOC) can help…
If you’ve never created an online course before, you mightn’t know where to start, or might find it all stressful.
That’s why we’ll break the technology part down (no need to rely on your kids or pay expensive people), and give you the support you need to create your first online course by September. Yup, if you do DOC you could be teaching and earning from it online, well before Christmas.
Or, have you got some experience, and are ready to create your breakthrough offering – the “course you were born to lead”? You’ll get masterclasses on niching, design and sales, to support you to create an epic course.
For many, it’s not just the tech knowledge that holds them back, but perfectionism, “putting themselves out there”, and procrastination.
Happily, as well as designing courses, we’ve been helping students overcome this stuff for years too. We’ll give you a supportive mini-community, embodied practices and a lot of encouragement!
DOC really is important to me. I see so many in this community, not able to help the people who need it, and struggling to get by despite huge talent. Whether it’s the embodied stuff or the knowledge (or often, a bit of both) holding you back, this will help.
And since it’s close to my heart, the fundamentals part of the course will also be 100% no pressure by-donation. I want to remove the barriers and see people simply do good s**t. We’ve never done this before but given how the economy is for many, I think it’s time.
Support to create your first or "flagship" online embodiment course
... with the world's most experienced online embodiment facilitators
On DOC, we’ll “hold your hand” throughout the process of creating an online embodiment course. There are two levels of “DOC”.
In both cases, there are three core parts to this course (it’s just the depth and detail that varies):
You’ll also get some embodied tools to help you on your journey, plus the chance to interact with other learners for learning and support.
This could be for you if you…
and don't know where to start
and want to create the course you were "born to lead"
and are looking for body-based tools to help you move forward
On DOC-beginners, you’ll learn:
And, by the end of the eight sessions, you WILL be able to create an online embodiment course.
On DOC-intermediate, you get everything from DOC-beginners, plus you’ll:
And, for the first TWENTY who join, you’ll also get a 20-minute 1-to-1 call with each of Mark (for course design) and Steve (to pimp your sales page). This personalised feedback will be super-valuable.
CEO & Founder
Embodiment Unlimited
“So, our specialism is helping embodiment and movement teachers of all kinds: embodied coaches, yogis, dance teachers, martial artists, etc.
But back when we did the first Embodiment Conference in 2018, we were told that embodiment couldn’t work online. Ha. After dozens of online courses, being part of 50+ summits, and a conference of half-a-million people, we know that ain’t true.
What is true is that online is different. For the students, and for the facilitators. It has ADVANTAGES to in-person work, actually, but needs some adapting to.
We find integration to be much better online, meaning learning sticks (it’s easy to not be a d*ck on a silent retreat, but that falls apart when you get stuck in traffic on the way out).
And, importantly, it’s more accessible for students. I discovered a few years back a lot of people can’t get to in-person trainings for various reasons, and that’s a pity.
Online courses also scale. That means more people, from anywhere around the world, can do them, at a cheaper rate, AND you can still make a better living. Everyone wins!
That’s what I want for this community. There are so many people working their a***s off helping others, and burning themselves to the ground running around.
A more sustainable way is possible. I want to see more people getting access to embodied work, and those leading it making a decent living. You can do that with online courses.
So, to get you started, we’re even offering DOC at a donation rate for a limited number. Come along, learn what you need, and create a course.
Or, if you’ve done it before, join the entire course to create the course you were ‘born to lead before you die.’
Either way, you’re very welcome.”
an online embodiment course that people will love
ethically and effectively to those who'd benefit from working with you
a great course, managing students and tech in a way that everyone's satisfied
Live webinars are usually 60-minutes.
On DOC-beginners (the first part of the course), webinars run weekly at 5pm UK time (9am PDT / 2am AEST) Wednesdays, from June 14 to August 2.
If you join DOC-intermediate, DOC-beginners is included. You’ll then get the rest of August off before resuming for four weeks during September, twice per week: 5pm UK time (9am PDT / 2am AEST) on Tuesdays AND Wednesdays. The first session is September 5, and the final session is September 27.
DOC-beginners (Wednesdays):
*Those on DOC-intermediate will join DOC-beginners, and then continue onto the next part of the course in September after a break in August.
DOC-intermediate (Tuesdays AND Wednesdays):
*Note that replays will be available for all sessions on the custom-built course platform. There is no requirement to attend sessions live, although it’s recommended to do so when you can, so you can ask questions and connect with the community.
CEO & Founder, Embodiment Unlimited
Embodiment Coach, Course Management Megastar
All-purpose-Aussie, Content & Sales at Embodiment Unlimited
Authentic Business Coach
The first 25 people to join DOC-intermediate get…
(normally $499)
The entire Purpose Blackbelt course to help you to get out of your own way, and start truly living your purpose:
Purpose Black Belt is your complete guide to discovering or realigning your purpose. It’s designed to remove any internal blocks standing between you and a more purpose-filled, fruitful life. It’s your chance to get clear about what you want to do with your life.
By combining deep inner embodiment with practical tools and strategies, we’ll reveal sure-fire ways to live a more prosperous, fuller life by serving others.
This course is supportive and full of practical, experience-based advice to help you make a healthier, more valuable contribution to the world.
(first 20 people only, worth $250)
Get a 20-minute call with each of us for personalised feedback on your course:
(priceless )
After each of our course launches, we do a full-scale review on what worked, what didn’t, and what we’d change next time. We look at the data, and we listen to feedback.
We’re opening the doors to come backstage for this review for the first twenty people who join DOC-intermediate. You can take it as a case study for how to do this for your own courses. Expect to get plenty of valuable insights.
This opportunity won’t come around often, and whilst there’s some private data we can’t share, we’ll be as open as possible in the interest of you coming away with your mind blown.
You will get all you need to create an online embodiment course before Christmas.
online course
online course
Or get instalments with bonuses>>>
DOC-intermediate + 1-to-1 coaching
16-session LIVE online course
Got a question about the course?
Email Virginia on support@embodimentunlimited.com and she’ll see how she can help.
This is a live course.
Replays of all sessions will be added to your course platform within 72 hours after the session.
There is no requirement to watch sessions live, although it’s recommended to if possible.
The course starts on Wednesday, June 14 at 5pm UK time (9am PDT).
DOC-beginners then finishes on Wednesday, August 2nd at 5pm UK time (9am PDT).
DOC-intermediate does not finish then. There will be a break during August, and then it restarts on Tuesday September 5 at 5pm UK time (9am PDT). It then continue every Tuesday and Wednesday during September for a total of eight further sessions.
DOC-intermediate finishes on Wednesday September 27 at 5pm UK time (9am PDT).
Yes, all sessions are recorded and replays will be uploaded within 72 hours after they’ve finished.