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If you can’t find it, please check your spam/junk folder and add us to your safe list to avoid missing any updates as the event approaches.

If it’s not there, please contact us.

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Deepen your CEC experience with in-person workshops

Just for CEC students, we’re running a special offer on our in-person events in 2023.

You can get combined access to both a level 1 and level 2 workshop for a total of $500.

These in-person workshops will allow you to get personal feedback on both your personal and professional practice, along with deepening your CEC experience.

These workshops are suitable for all beginners, and also as a deepener for our online courses. The emphasis is on your personal embodiment, rather than client work.

Show level 1 details

To attend one of these, it is preferable you’ve completed a level one workshop or online course (contact us if questions). There is more emphasis on working with others in level 2 courses.

Show level 2 details

Getting these together now means that you can save up to $500 from what you’d spend getting them separately later.

See which events we’re offering here, then book your CEC in-person ticket:


  • 26th London


  • 4th Zurich
  • 8th Berlin
  • 11-12th Cologne
  • 17-19th Amsterdam


  • 15-16th: Montréal


  • 5th London
  • 13th Barcelona
  • 19th Tallinn
  • 24-28th Slovenia


  • 14th Amsterdam
  • 17th Brussels


  • 5-6th Lisbon
  • 20-23rd Austria
  • 29-30th Munich


  • 16-20th Croatia residential
  • 22-25th UK residential

*NB: Don’t book travel or accommodation for these events until we have confirmed they’ll take place.

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