
This training runs from June 5-7Convert to your timezone here>>>

June 5


5 reasons why people are crazy right now

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(10am PDT / 3am AEST)

June 6


Not as well as I thought she was

Ruby Wax

10am UK time

(2am PDT / 7pm AEST)

The Peaceful Warrior

Dan Millman

3pm UK time

(7am PDT / 2am AEST)

Another 5 reasons why we’re all crazy

Mark Walsh

5pm UK time

(9am PDT / 2am AEST)

June 7



Thomas Hübl

10am UK time

(2am PDT / 7pm AEST)

Does Nietzsche even lift (fitness & resilience)?

Mark Walsh

3pm UK time

(7am PDT / 2am AEST)

How to unf**k your life
(or be a little more chill)

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(10am PDT / 3am AEST)


Mark Walsh
Mark Walsh

CEO & Founder of Embodiment Unlimited

Mark Walsh leads embodiment, coaching and trauma education trainings.

He is the author of EmbodimentWorking with the Body in Training and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation. Mark hosts The Embodiment Podcast (2 million+ downloads), and led The Embodiment Conference (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a theme yet?

He founded the Embodied Facilitator Course, and the Certificate of Embodiment Coaching. Mark has certified over 2000 embodiment coaches, and taught workshops in over 40 other countries.

He gained an honours degree in psychology (despite been an alcoholic at the time), and has taught widely in the corporate world – where he pretended to be a grown up for years – including with blue-chip companies (e.g. Google, Unilever, Shell, Axa, L’Oreal).

Mark has worked in war zones (including founding a trauma education charity in Ukraine), and entertained over 50,000 children. He has headlined International Coach Federation events, lived with the circus and in slums, taught celebrities, and kissed a princess.

Mark is an aikido black belt, and also has 28 years of experience in other martial arts, yoga, bodywork, improv comedy, conscious dance and meditation.

Embodiment is his obsession, life’s work, and frankly, at this point he couldn’t get a job doing anything else. He dances like your dad at a wedding, impresses cats with his stroking, and offends pirates with his swearing.

Mark’s now tired of writing in the third person. It’s getting weird.

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Ruby Wax

Best-selling author, mental health campaigner

From the Royal Shakespeare Company to primetime TV; from a master’s degree in mindfulness based cognitive therapy from Oxford University to best-selling author; from interviewing the president who shall not be named to delivering a ground-breaking TED Talk.

And from a mental health campaigner to being awarded an OBE for services to mental health.

Ruby’s brought the same mould-breaking establishment questioning and pioneering energy to everything she’s done.

In the field of mental health, Ruby’s books support mental health to a whole new audience, discussing complex neurological theory in an accessible and often hilarious way, but always with a serious point that we need to reframe the conversation and remove the stigma that mental health illness still carries.

Ruby helps us understand how we can take control of our overstressed and over critical minds.

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Dan Millman

Best-selling author, Professor

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete, Stanford University gymnastics coach, martial arts instructor and Oberlin College professor.

His 18 books are published in 29 languages. His first book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, was adapted to film in 2006.

Over a span of 40 years, in 32 countries, Dan has taught the “peaceful warrior’s way,” a practical approach to living an aware, purposeful, and healthful life.

Find more at

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Thomas Hübl

Collective trauma expert, Author

Thomas Hübl, PhD, is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator who works within the complexity of systems and cultural change, integrating the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science.

Since the early 2000s, he has led large-scale events and courses on the healing of collective trauma.

He is the author of Attuned: Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma—and Our World, and Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds.

Hübl has served as an advisor and guest faculty for universities and organizations, as a coach for CEOs and organizational leaders, and is currently a visiting scholar at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University.

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Take heroic control of your life

The body is where it all begins.

During this action-packed 90-minute workshop, you’ll learn practical skills that provide real-life benefits.

Various topics that can cause you discomfort or hold you back in life are explored, along with ways that you can overcome these challenges through the body.


The fundamentals of resilience

Discover the 4 ways we can build resilience in the modern world, with an introduction to:

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