Transformative tools your clients will love

26 powerful embodiment poses to support your clients

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Full certification

for safe, confident facilitation

0 + years

training coaches

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across our courses

26 embodied poses

to change states & traits

Full certification

for safe, confident facilitation

26 embodied poses

to change states & traits

0 + years

training coaches

0 + students

across our courses

You know the body matters, but where to start?

​​Most trainers, coaches, therapists and facilitators know that including the body is vital. 

It’s a key part of who people are and often where the quickest, most powerful transformations can happen.

The body gets clients unstuck, and is crucial for lasting change.

But WHERE to start? It can be confusing to know HOW exactly to work with the body.

Frankly, there’s a lot of BS out there. Even well-meaning embodiment teachers don’t always offer practical tools.

The body is vital for quick, lasting change

We are a body, not just a mind. That’s why working with the body is one of the quickest and most effective ways to facilitate change.

But it’s easy to feel a bit lost with specifically HOW to work with the body.

Perhaps you know the power of body-based techniques, but would like a simple, effective system that gets concrete results with all kinds of clients?

Or you want specific tools to work with common problems, like low confidence, poor self-care or boundaries? 

Something that can deliver deep insights and immediate shifts?

That’s why we developed a practical set of techniques that just work.

A powerful, practical system

The Embodied Toolkit is a system of 26 archetypal, non-athletic postures for facilitators.

It’s a practical set of techniques matched to common client challenges.

The poses quickly shift states, open up new possibilities, and can be given as concise “homework” for lasting change. 

Toolkit was developed by an international team over a decade, with postures for every situation along the broad range of human experience. 

You don’t need to be a ninja master, Olympic athlete, or special tantric unicorn to use them.

Embodied Toolkit is a straightforward system that works. Simple.


The Embodied Toolkit Certification

A system of 26 postures to help clients shift state and gain insights

Beautifully filmed with both experiential and technical videos, this self-paced online course also includes twelve recorded support sessions to help guide you towards certification.

These allow you to both deepen your learning and give extra motivation to complete your certification (whilst having more fun doing so).

Please note that you can’t actually “fall behind” on this course. The support sessions are just there to encourage you. When you certify is up to you.

This provides the perfect balance of both flexibility and accountability.

Beautifully filmed with both experiential and technical videos, this self-paced online course also includes twelve recorded support sessions to help guide you towards certification.

This is a self-paced online course, but we’ve found that by offering live support sessions, people both deepen their learning and actually complete their certification (whilst having more fun doing so).

Please note that you can’t actually “fall behind” on this course. The support sessions are just there to encourage you. When you certify is up to you.

This provides the perfect balance of both flexibility and accountability.

The certification may be for you if you are a...

Coach or trainer

Who wants to deliver powerful insights and breakthroughs with your clients

Yoga or movement teacher

Who wants to deepen the psychological aspect of classes and stand out in a crowded market

Therapist or bodyworker

Who wants to offer your clients practices they can take into daily life

What's in the course

technical clog icon
Clear video content
Pre-recorded support sessions
Personal practice

The first four pre-recoded support sessions emphasise personal practice and confidence. If you are not a coach or facilitator, then this package may be for you.

It will support you with an in-depth exploration of eight Embodied Toolkit poses that’ll build deep confidence.

Coaches and facilitators also get these first four sessions They’re a good foundation before they continue on to learn all 26 poses to use with clients.

There are sessions on how to apply Toolkit in 1-to-1 work (coaches, therapists, bodyworkers) and group work (yoga, dance, other movement teachers).

You will receive a certificate if you choose to go through the certification process.

The optional live webinars will be on Tuesdays at 9am UK time (6pm AEST) or 6pm UK time (10am PDT).

These start on September 24 and end on October 15 (for the self-care package) or December 3 (for the certification package).

Convert to your timezone here.

You can choose to attend the time that’s most convenient for you (you’re welcome at both if that works).

Sessions will be recorded, so you can view on the learning platform afterwards.

The Embodied Toolkit poses you'll learn

Entering pose

For clients who need to move forward courageously.

Embodied Toolkit - 2
Authority pose

Help clients build confidence as leaders.

Embodied Toolkit - 2
Warrior pose

Empower clients to summon strength in difficult situations.

Embodied Toolkit - 2
Stand pose

Empower clients to take a stand for what they believe in and who they are.

Embodied Toolkit - 2
Show 22 more poses
Self-care pose

For people who need to be kinder towards themselves.

Embodied Toolkit - 2
Taking space pose

Facilitate your clients’ journey to being more comfortable in the spotlight.

Embodied Toolkit - 2
No pose

A pose that sets firm boundaries and teaches clients to say ‘no’.

Embodied Toolkit - 2
Enthusiasm pose

Help clients leap into life with confidence and passion.

Embodied Toolkit - 2
Support pose

A pose to foster both giving and receiving support openly.

Yes pose

A pose to learn deep acceptance and let beauty in.

Inner pose

Support your clients to turn inward for guidance and support.

Surrender pose

For people who need to let go of what they can’t control.

Pushing pose

Support clients to access the power they need to achieve their dreams and goals.

Death pose

A pose to facilitate coming to terms with mortality.

Inspiration pose

A pose to uplift people and inspire creativity.

Vulnerability pose

For people who struggle to be vulnerable and need to explore their innocence.

Joker pose

Help clients take themselves less seriously and be playful.

Sensuality pose

Coach clients to explore the world through their senses.

Care pose

For people who care too much or need to develop nurturing.

Giving pose

For both being more generous and setting healthy boundaries around giving.

Letting go pose

For clients who need to accept the past and forgive in order to move forward.

Evaluation pose

A pose to develop discernment and thoughtful decision-making.

Rest pose

For people who need to learn that recovery is an important part of self-care.

Receiving pose

Guide clients to feel worthy of receiving.

Openness pose

Guide clients to be more accepting and open.

Transcendence pose

Help clients rise above any negativity.

Help clients make quick, deep change that lasts

Move past talk and into the body with clients to give them a lived experience of a different way of being in each session.

Change state on demand and embody new traits

Be more present with clients and have more choice in how you show up in the world

Learn embodied tools for any coaching situation

Never be at a loss in a coaching session again with 26 specific, practical tools to fit a wide range of client needs.

What you'll learn

What coaches and facilitators love most...

Used in 1-to-1 work as a:

Used in group classes to:

What past students say about our courses

Course teacher

Mark Walsh

CEO and Founder, Embodiment Unlimited

“Mr Embodiment” is the author of Embodiment, The Body in Coaching and Training, and Embodied Meditation. He hosts The Embodiment Podcast (over 1 million downloads), and led The Embodiment Conference (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a theme yet?

He founded the Embodied Facilitator Course,  and has trained over 2000 embodiment coaches in over 40 other countries (some of which will even let him back in).

He gained an honours in psychology (despite been an alcoholic at the time), and has taught widely in the corporate world where he pretended to be a grown up for years, including with blue-chip companies (e.g. Unilever, Shell, Axa, L’Oreal) whom he charged wayyyy too much as they made him wear a suit.

Mark has also upset… sorry, taught… many yogis, NGOs, police officers and several militaries.

He has worked in war zones, and entertained over 50,000 children. Mark has headlined International Coach Federation events, taught at universities, and lived with the circus in Ethiopia, worked with celebrities and kissed a princess.

He is an aikido black belt, and also has 25 years of experience of other martial arts, with yoga, bodywork, improv comedy, conscious dance and meditation.

Embodiment is his obsession, life’s work, and frankly at this point he couldn’t get a job doing anything else. Mark dances like your dad at a wedding, overshares about his gorgeous Ukrainian wife, and offends pirates with his swearing.

He is now tired of writing in the third person.

Course contributors

Jane Dancey

Women's Coach & Yoga Teacher

Jane specialises in supporting and accompanying women through transitional stages of life. From menarche to menopause and is the creator of The Embodied Female Pelvis online course.


Embodied Toolkit lead trainer

A web designer, father and author who shares Buddhist inspired embodiment-based practices and mindfulness-based hatha yoga with groups and individuals to facilitate body and mind transformation.

Jamie Abrams

Intimacy Coach & Yoga Teacher

Jamie has been teaching yoga across the globe for over 20 years. She is the founder of Embodied Badassery, Erotic Blueprint Coaches, and is an embodied facilitator.

Emilie Joy Rowell

Coach & Yoga Teacher

Emilie’s a movement coach and facilitator with a background in Fine Art. Her specialisms are pelvic wellbeing and embodiment.

Over the years, Emilie has taught thousands of women to reconnect with their bodies to find play and passion. She’s a yoga teacher with over 17 years of practice experience, a doula (non-medical birth supporter), and has been working with Embodied Toolkit as a facilitator for the past six years.

Emile’s also a coach who’s a Franklin Method Pelvic Fascia trainer and pro hula hooper.

Mayan Patel

Embodied Toolkit trainer

Mayan is a yoga teacher and community organiser who focuses on increasing wellbeing and social-emotional intelligence for entrepreneurs and freelancers.

Christina Dohr

Embodiment Coach & Somatic Educator

Christina is a co-lead trainer on the Certification of Embodiment Coaching course, a passionate dancer and improviser who holds an MSc in Social Sciences. 

She has an aikido black belt and is a master of integrated mixed modalities from many worlds. Her work has taken her all around the world, from London, Berlin and Switzerland, to South-East Asia and back. 

Christina guides groups and individuals through embodied enquiry exercises presented in a playful package while targeting greater self-awareness and personal growth.


Karin van Maanen

Yoga & Meditation Trainer

Karin is a coach, yoga and meditation teacher with an MSc in Mindfulness Studies.

She has been teaching compassion-based mindfulness full-time since 2008.

Karin delivers yoga teacher training courses, is a certified Embodied Toolkit teacher trainer, and is Lead Trainer on the Certification of Embodied Meditation course and Assistant Trainer on the Certification of Embodiment Coaching course.

She is the co-author of Embodied Meditation and Embodied Yoga Principles.

Karin also has a background in community arts and works as a storyteller, often combining a range of embodied and creative approaches to support the personal and professional development of the people she works with.

Where you'll find other certified practitioners










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Why coaches & yoga teachers love Embodied Toolkit

“It’s nice to be offering a course that I know is extremely effective, as we’ve been doing it around the world for many years now.

Embodied Toolkit gives coaches a very practical set of tools. It’s an immediate ‘go-to’ for almost any problem that a client encounters. Toolkit encourages a level of deep insight that you just don’t see when asking questions verbally.

For mainstream coaches, it offers a practical approach to the body that doesn’t require jumping around or doing anything too “alternative”. And it simply works. Often the joke is that it’s TOO effective, because people experience such deep insights so fast.

Coaches also appreciate that Toolkit can be used to give short but powerful pieces of ‘homework’ for clients to take away, without requiring them to do anything too athletic or esoteric.

Many yoga teachers also use the Toolkit system (in fact, we used to call it Embodied Yoga Principles, which is why you’ll hear it referred to as EYP).

It adds a layer of psychological depth to postural yoga classes and allows students to take yoga “off of the mat” and into life.

Embodied Toolkit has been part of my personal practice for years. Often, it’s the thing I do just before I teach, as it allows for powerful state changes. Whenever I’m working with clients, it’s one of my main tools.

This course is beautifully filmed and edited (damn, we spent some cash!), so it’s a very high-quality recorded product. And the live sessions mean that the community of practitioners form real relationships along with actually doing the course.

I really like this combination of self-paced course, which allows people to fit it into their lives when it’s convenient, and the optional live sessions, which encourage people to not just leave the course unfinished in their email inbox somewhere.

This is one I’m proud of, so hope you can make it.”

Mark Walsh

Embodied Toolkit Co-Creator (UK)

Course bonuses

(Normally $277)

Feminine Cycles & Flow

Normally $79

A 90-minute masterclass from Jane Dancey.

An exploration of the female nervous system, hormones, the menstrual cycle, menopause and embodied practice.

Helpful for practitioners and facilitators alike.

This is primarily for women, but men are welcome to watch (and it may be great learning).

Self-Care in Chaotic Times

Normally $99

The 3-part Calm in the Storm training, which covers:

  • What self-care actually is
  • Finding specific techniques that work for you
  • Motivation to actually do them

Learn to Love Marketing

Normally $99

Marketing can fit you and your values. Marketing can have heart!

Learn a radical new perspective on marketing, so that you’ll actually do some to make a living doing what you love.

What some leaders in the embodiment field say

Get certified in Embodied Toolkit...



Embodied Toolkit

for self-care

Self-paced | Online
  • Feminine Cycles & Flow Masterclass (normally $79)

Normal price


Embodied Toolkit


(most popular)

Self-paced | Online
  • Feminine Cycles & Flow Masterclass (normally $79)
  • Self-Care in Chaotic Times (normally $99)
  • Learn to Love Marketing (normally $99)

Normal price


Holiday special


Embodied Toolkit

+ 1-to-1 Coaching

Self-paced | Online
  • Feminine Cycles & Flow Masterclass (normally $79)
  • Self-Care in Chaotic Times (normally $99)
  • Learn to Love Marketing (normally $99)

Normal price


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Want to make sure this course is the right fit for you? We do too. Ask us any questions you have by contacting 



It is a combination of live weekly webinars (available in two timezones – 9am and 6pm UK on Tuesdays), live peer group meetings (optional) and pre-recorded materials which you will be able to access on a bespoke learning platform.

It may be better conceived as a pre-recorded course with bonus live sessions (don’t let the live sessions be the determining factor in whether it is for you or not – they’re a bonus to help you with accountability).

The live sessions start on Tuesday 24th September and finish on Tuesday 3rd December 2023. However, you can take as long as you need to certify.

If you’ll be joining live and aiming to certify at the end of the live calls, we’d suggest spending around 3-5 hours per week (between live calls, peer groups, daily practice, and watching the online course).

You may instead choose to spread this out over time to make it more manageable.

We’d expect it to take at least fifty hours altogether (it may be more manageable to do an hour per week for a year, for example).

No worries. We offer these as extra support, but they aren’t necessary to certify. They will be recorded and available on the learning platform for you to catch up.

The course is designed for you to apply what you are learning with others, however if you are an aspiring coach or facilitator, it is also a good introduction to embodiment.

  • Watch all the course videos
  • Practice at least 10-minutes per day, 5-days per week, for 3 months (or the equivalent)
  • Send through photos of yourself in all 26 poses
  • For coaches, complete a minimum number of 8 hours of client coaching sessions integrating Embodied Toolkit (more explanation will be given during the course)
  • For teachers, complete two 2-hour Embodied Toolkit workshops and four 1-hour classes that integrate Embodied Toolkit (more explanation will be given during the course)
  • Reflect after each session you facilitate
  • Have a video call with one of the senior teachers to check your grasp on the subtleties of the system and other relevant experience before your certification is awarded
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