The world's embodied wisdom - free to all

The Embodiment Festival, January 14-18, live & online

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Disconnected, distracted and divided?

We live in a world where people are cut off from themselves, and this has consequences.

The world’s mental health has collapsed, we are in conflict, and frankly, our leaders are lame. 

In these troubled times, separation rules. Disconnection is endemic, and our shared humanity is neglected.

The body is often promoted, not as a holistic part of our being, but only as a consumer object. So, we’ve lost our bodies and, as a result, our minds.

But there is another way…

It’s easy to be anxious or despairing with all that’s going on.

In a numb, disembodied culture, it’s understandable. Just where is society heading, and how do we stay sane ourselves?

But there are also many of us who long for change. We want to come back home to ourselves, and create communities which emphasise connection. 

You are not alone. We know that a kinder, saner, more embodied world is possible.

Stay sane in 2024

There’s a lot the world needs, and getting its body back is one of the most fundamental.

The body is a gateway to greater harmony, peace and connection. To ourselves, each other and the planet. It’s also a key anchor for our wellbeing and mental health. 

If you want a more harmonious, connected world, along with practical tools for your own resilience, you may like to join the movement movement at The Embodiment Festival 2024.

Effective tools and uplifting connection

Here, you’ll come together with a diverse global learning community intent on creating a more positive future together.

Each session will offer you effective tools to cultivate resilience.

You’ll also have the chance to get some free coaching and learn new techniques to help you with the challenges we’re all facing.

And, of course, it’ll be fun and uplifting. What’s not to love?


The Embodiment Festival

Learn effective embodiment and coaching tools for free

Live from January 14-18

Multiple modalities

World-class teachers

Global community

Sign up if you’d like to:

If you're...

Wanting practical tools for your own life

A coach or embodiment teacher

Wanting to become an embodiment facilitator

Then the Embodiment Festival may be for you.

Find out...

What you'll come away with:

Practise embodiment tools

To better handle the stressors of daily life

Cultivate your facilitation skills

Learn new tools to bring into your work with others

Experience embodiment coaching

Get coached live, or watch others receive coaching


The Embodiment Festival has two type of sessions – tools for you and your clients, or the chance to get live embodiment coaching for something you’re struggling with right now.

You’ll learn tools for personal and professional use during the sessions in green.

During the sessions in orange, you can volunteer to get coached, or simply watch others receive coaching.

Each session is 45-minutes long, and if you register, you’ll be sent replays of every session to watch for free between January 19-21.

January 14


What is embodiment?

Mark & Christina

10am UK time

(2am PST / 9pm AEDT)

Grief: the art of loving

Adam Barley

12pm UK time

(4am PST / 11pm AEDT)

Crazy confidence

Mark Walsh

2pm UK time

(6am PST / 1am AEDT)

Deepen into the security of your being

Philip Shepherd

4pm UK time

(8am PST / 3am AEDT)

Live demonstrations (get or receive coaching)

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(10am PST / 5am AEDT)

🇩🇪 Embodiment - der Schlüssel zu Resilienz

Daniela Welzel

7pm UK time

(11am PST / 6am AEDT)

How to stay sane in 2024

Mark Walsh

8pm UK time

(12pm PST / 7am AEDT)

How to cultivate inter-resilience

Christina Dohr

6pm PST

(January 15 at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

January 15


Crazy-proof creativity for a crazy-making world

Dave Rock

8am UK time

(12am PST / 7pm AEDT)

Live demonstrations (get or receive coaching)

Christina Dohr

10am UK time

(2am PST / 9pm AEDT)

Accessing flow & deep healing with Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness

Fleet Maull

12pm UK time

(4am PST / 11pm AEDT)

How to sense & settle your energy

Ron de Brito

2pm UK time

(6am PST / 1am AEDT)

Dance, trauma & resilience

Lucia Horan

3pm UK time

(7am PST / 2am AEDT)

Reconnect through NeuroDynamic Breathwork

Michael Stone

4pm UK time

(8am PST / 3am AEDT)

The top 10 mistakes most facilitators make

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(10am PST / 5am AEDT)

Your shadow resilience

Nir Esterman

7pm UK time

(11am PST / 6am AEDT)

Breath-full P.E.A.C.E. for your mind, heart & world

Kathleen Booker

8pm UK time

(12pm PST / 7am AEDT)

Accessing witness consciousness through experiential anatomy

Leila Stuart

6pm PST

(January 16 at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

January 16


Calm AND energised: a nervous system reset

Simon Borg-Olivier

8am UK time

(12am PST / 7pm AEDT)

Live demonstrations (get or receive coaching)

Mark Walsh

10am UK time

(2am PST / 9pm AEDT)

The crazy successful formula: create the extraordinary

John Spencer Williams

12pm UK time

(4am PST / 11pm AEDT)

Intimacy, integrity & the wheel of consent

Adam Wilder

2pm UK time

(6am PST / 1am AEDT)

The way is awkward, not forward

Bayo Akomolafe

3pm UK time

(7am PST / 2am AEDT)

Sourcing and resourcing from within

Donnalea Goelz

4pm UK time

(8am PST / 3am AEDT)

Discover your four elements preference

Flouer Evelyn

6pm UK time

(10am PST / 5am AEDT)

How to practise "embodied" meditation

Daniela Welzel

7pm UK time

(11am PST / 6am AEDT)

Evidence-based outcomes of embodied awareness

Amanda Blake

8pm UK time

(12pm PST / 7am AEDT)

Activating your chakras

Anodea Judith

6pm PST

(January 17 at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

January 17


The radical act of wintering

Jane Dancey

8am UK time

(12am PST / 7pm AEDT)

Centring : how to keep calm in crazy times

Ranko Ceric

10am UK time

(2am PST / 9pm AEDT)

Finding the gifts within adversity

Jamie Catto

12pm UK time

(4am PST / 11pm AEDT)

New ways of speaking & listening to children

Roma Norriss

2pm UK time

(6am PST / 1am AEDT)

The Dalai Lama's Ninja

Rick Hanson

3pm UK time

(7am PST / 2am AEDT)

Discovering what you want (a way through the "noise")

Melissa Gutierrez

4pm UK time

(8am PST / 3am AEDT)

Live demonstrations (get or receive coaching)

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(10am PST / 5am AEDT)

How to find inner resilience for the outer world

Patricia Aguirre

7pm UK time

(11am PST / 6am AEDT)

Bodymind expansion

Saemi Nakamura

8pm UK time

(12pm PST / 7am AEDT)

It's never too late for a happy childhood: dynamic embodiment

Martha Eddy

6pm PST

(January 18 at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

January 18


🇩🇪 Die Grundlagen des Embodiment Coaching

Christina Dohr

8am UK time

(12am PST / 7pm AEDT)

The third most-effective coaching tool

Mark Walsh

10am UK time

(2am PST / 9pm AEDT)

Emotional embodiment for growth

Raja Selvam

12pm UK time

(4am PST / 11pm AEDT)

The second most-effective coaching tool

Mark Walsh

2pm UK time

(6am PST / 1am AEDT)

How to integrate power & love

Paul Linden

3pm UK time

(7am PST / 2am AEDT)

Decode your trauma

Alex Howard

4pm UK time

(8am PST / 3am AEDT)

The MOST effective coaching tool

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(10am PST / 5am AEDT)

Integral resilience

Miles Kessler

7pm UK time

(11am PST / 6am AEDT)

How personal & ancestral trauma "lives" in the body

Jeff Brown

8pm UK time

(12pm PST / 7am AEDT)

The fundamentals of embodiment coaching

Christina Dohr

6pm PST

(January 19 at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

Festival facilitators

mark walsh
Mark Walsh

CEO & Founder, Embodiment Unlimited

Mark Walsh teaches embodiment, trauma education and anti-decadence.

He is the author of Embodiment, Working with the Body in Training and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation. Mark hosts The Embodiment Podcast (2 million+ downloads), and led The Embodiment Conference (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a theme yet?

He founded the Embodied Facilitator Course, and the Certificate of Embodiment Coaching. Mark has certified over 2000 embodiment coaches, and taught workshops in over 40 other countries.

He gained an honours degree in psychology (despite been an alcoholic at the time), and has taught widely in the corporate world – where he pretended to be a grown up for years – including with blue-chip companies (e.g. Google, Unilever, Shell, Axa, L’Oreal).

Mark has worked in war zones (including founding a trauma education charity in Ukraine), and entertained over 50,000 children. He has headlined International Coach Federation events, lived with the circus and in slums, taught celebrities, and kissed a princess.

Mark is an aikido black belt, and also has 28 years of experience in other martial arts, yoga, bodywork, improv comedy, conscious dance and meditation.

Embodiment is his obsession, life’s work, and frankly, at this point he couldn’t get a job doing anything else. He dances like your dad at a wedding, impresses cats with his stroking, and offends pirates with his swearing.

Mark’s now tired of writing in the third person. It’s getting weird.

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Christina Dohr

Embodiment Coach & Somatic Educator

Christina is a co-lead trainer on the Certification of Embodiment Coaching course, a passionate dancer and improviser who holds an MSc in Social Sciences. 

She has an aikido black belt and is a master of integrated mixed modalities from many worlds. Her work has taken her all around the world, from London, Berlin and Switzerland, to South-East Asia and back. 

Christina guides groups and individuals through embodied enquiry exercises presented in a playful package while targeting greater self-awareness and personal growth.

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Festival teachers

Amanda Blake

Author, Embodiment Coach

Dr. Amanda Blake is the author of the award-winning book Your Body Is Your Brain, and creator of the Body = Brain course on the neurobiology of experiential leadership learning.

In addition to teaching about the art and science of embodiment, she works with progressive leaders worldwide to help them become their best self, enjoy life more, and make a bigger contribution.

Once an internationally competitive athlete, Mandy is skilled at cultivating high performance in herself and others.

She is a Master Somatic Leadership Coach, holds a degree in Human Biology from Stanford University, and is both a Fetzer Scholar and a Research Fellow at the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit.

She’s also a longtime yoga enthusiast, mountaineer, musician, and celebrator of life. Learn more at

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Bayo Akomolafe

Director of The Emergence Network, Author

A fugitive to manicured the disciplinarity of the academe, speaker, and proud diaper-changer, Bayo leads an earth-wide organization (The Emergence Network) as its Chief Curator and Director. The organization is set up for the re-calibration of our ability to respond to civilizational crisis – a project framed within a feminist ethos and inspired by indigenous cosmologies. He considers this a shared art – exploring the edges of the intelligible, dancing with posthumanist ideas, dabbling in the mysteries of quantum mechanics and the liberating sermon of an ecofeminism text, and talking with others about how to host a festival in Brazil – and part of his inner struggle to regain a sense of rootedness to his community. He also hosts a course (We Will Dance with Mountains) among other offerings. Bayo is visiting professor at Middlebury College, Vermont, and has taught in universities around the world (including Sonoma State University California, Simon Frasier University Vancouver, Schumacher College Devon, Harvard University, and Covenant University Nigeria – among others). He is a consultant with UNESCO. Bayo has authored two books, ‘We Will Tell Our Own Story!’ and ‘These Wilds Beyond our Fences: Letters to My Daughter on Humanity’s Search for Home’, and has penned forewords for many others.

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Jeff Brown

Author, Teacher, Grounded Spiritualist

Each step on Jeff’s path laid down the foundation of a new model: Grounded Spirituality.

The challenges he faced, and the countless steps of overcoming, were intended for this purpose: to support humanity in their efforts to embody all that they are. Not to bypass their humanness, but to celebrate it. Not to find enlightenment independent of the self, but to find enrealment deep within it. Here we are, just as we are.

He has spent the past several years, further forging and articulating his realizations, honing his voice, and shaping this new model. After an intensive and laborious process, buried in his writing cave outside Toronto, Jeff brought forth his most comprehensive work to date. Published in March 2019, the book Grounded Spirituality calls out and critically reviews ungrounded spiritualities, and presents a new model of authentic humanness, offering us a more integrated, embodied, and heartfelt path going forward. In November 2020, Jeff’s 4th book of popular quotes, Hearticulations, was published. Endorsed by Grammy Award-Winning singer LeAnn Rimes, Hearticulations reminds us of the golden threads that bind us together and that there is more that connects us than divides us.

Jeff is presently breaking new ground as an Enrealment Activist, with lots of exciting plans in the works including: a facilitators’ training course for Grounded Spirituality; a soon-to-be-launched podcast and video interface; a plethora of new courses at Soulshaping Institute; co-creating benevolent movements; traveling the world teaching and connecting with his supporters…. and whatever other unexpected surprises await this wildly rich path of Sacred Purpose. Stay tuned!

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Rick Hanson

Psychologist & best-selling author

Rick Hanson, Ph.D. is a psychologist, Senior Fellow at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, and New York Times best-selling author.

His seven books have been published in 31 languages and include Making Great Relationships, NeurodharmaResilientHardwiring HappinessJust One ThingBuddha’s Brain,  and Mother Nurture – with over a million copies in English alone.

He’s the founder of the Global Compassion Coalition and the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, as well as the co-host of the Being Well Podcast – which has been downloaded over 15 million times.

His free newsletters have 250,000 subscribers and his online programs have scholarships available for those with financial needs. He’s lectured at NASA, Google, Oxford, and Harvard.

An expert on positive neuroplasticity, his work has been featured on CBS, NPR, the BBC, and other major media.

He began meditating in 1974 and has taught in meditation centers worldwide. He and his wife live in northern California and have two adult children.

He loves the wilderness and taking a break from emails.

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Philip Shepherd

Author, Founder of The Embodied Present Process

Philip Shepherd is the author of two books, Radical Wholeness and New Self, New World, and co-author of Deep Fitness.

He also originated The Embodied Present Process (TEPP), which is taught online as well as in workshops, retreats and Facilitators Trainings worldwide. The practices of TEPP help people recognise how their well-being is restricted by our disembodied culture. As people recover the intimacy of true presence, they soften into the deeper intelligence of the body, reconnect with purpose, and discover a new kind of freedom and possibility in their lives.

Find out more at

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Lucia Horan

Dharma, Dance & Meditation trainer

Lucia Horan was born in 1976 on the sacred land of Esalen in Big Sur. She was raised in the Esalen community and taught the practices that were developed by those who came before her.  She was certified as an Esalen® Massage practitioner in 1994. She became a Hatha & Ashtanga yoga teacher 1997. Lucia received life-long direct training with Gabrielle Roth in the 5Rhythms® moving meditation practice and has been teaching 5Rhythms since 1998. She also has a BA from Goddard College, with a major in expressive art therapy.

Lucia has been practicing Theravadin Buddhist meditation since 2005. She has devoted herself to the path of insight meditation as a compliment to her moving meditation practice. Her primary learning concentration, and training transmission was given to her by Robert Hall.

Having completed training in Buddha-Dharma with ATS, Lucia is formally empowered to carry forth and teach in all capacities, the Dharma of liberation based on the teaching of the American-Buddhist lineage of Noah Levine, Jack Kornfield, and the forest masters of Thailand including Ajan Chah, Ajan buddhadasa, and the retreat masters of Burma in the lineage of Mahasi Sayadaw.

Additionally, Lucia has completed David Treleaven’s, Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness training. These practices have informed all of her teachings an act as a teaching lens in which to better understand the spectrum of trauma in any given room.

Her unique perspectives on insight practice have been published in the book “Dancing with Dharma: Essays on Movement And Dance in Western Buddhism” edited by Harrison Blum, Published by McFarland & Company. Lucia offers traditional dharma teachings, not as a “master Dharma teacher”, but as a sister on the path of awakening. She invites to you practice with her not under her.

Additionally, Lucia has worked as a somatic educator for Tony Robbins, PepsiCo Latin America DEI dept. & The transformational dept. of Google X Moonshot Factory. She leads focus groups co-teaching with masters in the fields of Buddhist meditation, yoga, trauma, addiction, grief, women’s empowerment.  Lucia is a board member of The Butler Family Fund, a foundation focused on housing justice and reforming the criminal legal system through death penalty reform and juvenile justice.

Lucia teaches skills and strategies that help her students become better emotional and physical athletes of life. Her mastery is in the field of somatic meditation and dance. Her teaching is infused with her love for the dance and faith in these practices. Lucia currently resides in Big Sur, CA with her daughter and husband. She teaches from a place of love, as a fellow human walking the path towards wholeness, peacefulness and wellbeing.

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Alex Howard

CEO & Founder, Optimum Health Clinic

Alex is the Founder and CEO of The Optimum Health Clinic (OHC), one of the world’s leading integrative medicine clinics with a team of 20 full time practitioners supporting thousands of patients in 50+ countries. Alex and the research team at OHC have published research in a number of leading journals, including British Medical Journal Open, Medical Hypotheses and Psychology and Health. A randomised controlled trial on the OHC approach has NHS ethics approval and is currently underway in the UK.

Along with founding and leading the OHC practitioner teams for the past 17 years, Alex Howard is an immensely experienced psychology practitioner, having delivered over 10,000 consultations. He has also led the Therapeutic Coaching practitioner programme since 2005, training the next generation of psychology practitioners. Since March 2020, Alex has been documenting his therapeutic work with real life patients via his In Therapy with Alex Howard YouTube Series.

In 2015, Alex founded leading online video platform Conscious Life, which has produced programmes with over 150 teachers, including Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Ken Wilber. In the last few years, Alex has created two of the largest online conferences in the health and mind-body markets, the Fatigue Super Conference has been attended by 75,000 people and the Trauma & Mind Body Super Conference by 185,000.

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Anodea Judith

Somatic therapist & best-selling author

Anodea Judith Ph.D. has been called a “prophet for our time.” A globally recognized teacher, speaker, healer, and writer on the intersection of personal and collective awakening, her passion for the realization of our potential matches her concern for humanity’s impending crises—her fervent wish that we “wake up in time.”

She holds Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Health, is a Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (500 hour E-RYT), and therapist with lifelong studies in somatic psychology, mythology, history, sociology, systems theory, and mystic spirituality.

She is best known for her groundbreaking work reviving the chakra system of ancient yoga, and its profound correlation to human psychology, cultural evolution, and the downward process of manifestation.

Her best-selling books have gained worldwide recognition with over a million books in print in 18 languages, and won several awards.

She is a well-loved workshop presenter, whose exhilarating live workshops are not only informative but life-changing, with trainings for therapists, yoga teachers, and leaders, with transformative techniques for those on the path of awakening. She is also a global presenter in online workshops and summits.

A riveting keynote inspirational speaker, her pictorial animated powerpoints are like movies, with messages that bring hope without mincing words about the challenges of our times.

Her central vision is that our evolutionary challenge is learn how to create Heaven on Earth.  This will, of course, take a miracle, but she believes that is the initiatory challenge of humans learning to wield the power of gods.

And finally Anodea Judith is a musician, artist, poet, avid gardener, priestess, mother, and grandmother, whose pioneering work has changed lives and is working toward changing the world.

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Donnalea Goelz

Executive Director of Continuum Movement®

Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz has a Ph.D. in Somatic Clinical Psychology and is executive director of Continuum Movement®, founded by Emilie Conrad- Da’oud and chair of the ECD Initiative for research in the somatic movement arts. She is the founder and owner of Cobalt Moon Center, a center for integrative health in Neptune Beach, Florida, an authorized Continuum Movement teacher (1998), and a T’ai Chi Instructor (1990). Donnalea is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing where she served as senior faculty, as Dean of the third year class in the US and Europe.

She is also a certified Brennan Integration Practitioner, a graduate degree at BBSH that incorporates psychology and the human energy field. Other certifications include Object Relational Psychotherapy from Center for Intentional Living and Kabbalistic Healing from the Society of Souls. She has an extensive training in Dance (Ballet, modern, African) and Technical Dance Movement of Irmgard Bartenieff and Frances Cott. She is on the faculty of Esalen Institute, Hollyhock Educational Institute and teaches workshops nationally and internationally in Continuum, Tai Chi, and healing arts.

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Kathleen Booker

Conscious Connected Breathwork Coach

Kathleen Booker is an effervescent native New Yorker. Her energy is infectious.

Kathleen is passionate about Conscious Connected Breathwork therapy and knows first-hand the energy, healing, peace, and joy it creates in one’s life.

As a certified and insured Breathwork Coach, she has worked with many masters in the field of Conscious Connected Breathwork therapy.

For over ten years, Kathleen has used her Breath coaching and intuitive skills to support individuals in clearly identifying areas in need of growth, healing and focused goal creation.

Kathleen’s instinctive sense of what will motivate and empower her clients is the impetus for their transformation.

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Simon Borg-Olivier

Physiotherapist & Yoga Teacher

Simon Borg-Olivier, MSc, BAppSc (Physiotherapy), APAM c-IAYT, has taught and studied traditional posture, movement, breathing, and meditation, with great masters from Tibet, Japan, India, and China for more than 40 years.

He is a physiotherapist, research scientist, and university lecturer. Simon has often been invited to teach at conferences internationally since 1990.

He is also co-director of YogaSynergy, one of Australia’s oldest yoga schools.

Simon combines modern medical science with traditional practices to create loving connections within the self for internal health and happiness as a model for how we are in the world.

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Raja Selvam, PhD

Founder of integral Somatic Psychology

Dr. Raja Selvam, a licensed clinical psychologist in California, is a
senior trainer in Dr. Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE)
Professional Trauma Training programs and the developer of Integral
Somatic Psychology (ISP).

ISP, based on the emerging neuroscience of embodied cognition,
emotion, and behaviour, is a complementary modality developed to quicken
outcomes and shorten treatment times in all therapies; through
developing a greater capacity to tolerate a larger range of emotional
experiences in a larger body container.

ISP Professional Training Programs and Workshops have been offered in
nearly twenty countries in North and South Americas, Europe, Asia, the
Middle East, and the Far East.

The work of Dr. Selvam, grounded in Western as well as Eastern
Psychology, draws from the Kleinian and Inter-Subjective schools of
Psychoanalysis, the Analytical Psychology of Karl Jung, the bodywork
systems of Postural Integration and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, the
energy psychology modalities of Polarity Therapy and Emotional Freedom
Technique (EFT), the body-oriented psychotherapy approaches of Reichian
Therapy, Bioenergetics, Bodynamic Somatic Developmental Psychology, and
Somatic Experiencing (SE), Attachment Theory, the emerging neuroscience
and physiology of embodied cognition, emotion, and behaviour, Yoga, and
Advaita Vedanta, a spiritual psychology from India.

His book can be found at integralsomaticpsychology dot com
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Ron de Brito

Empowerment & Compassion Coach

Ron is a Certified Embodied Facilitator, Radical Wholeness Facilitator certified with The
Embodied Present Process, Empowerment and Compassion Coach, Nonviolent
Communication Practitioner and Mediator.

She holds Grief Circles and teaches trauma-informed workshops.

Ron is passionate about helping people discover gentleness and compassion within themselves,
unearth their inter-connection with abundant resources and experience resonant vitality,
being in fully receptive humanity, in the Wholeness that can be felt in the body.

She was born in London to African/ Indian Trinidadian parents and attended Grammar School in Finchley, North London before becoming a secondary schoolteacher, mother, personal children’s tutor and research biochemist.

Ron coaches 1-to-1, holds group trainings and us a keynote speaker. 

She’s in love with aliveness and
being a vibrant light connected to everything in a beautifully interconnected universe.

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Michael Stone

Founder of NeuroDynamic Breathwork

Michael Stone, BS Chem Eng, MBA, inventor of a new type of breathwork modality called Neurodynamic Breathwork, co-founder of the  “Train Your Brain, Master Your Life” Workshop, Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator and founder of Holotropic Breathwork LA, was born and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.  He is a well-known international speaker who has participated in numerous conferences and summits, along with Dr. Gabor Mate, Joe Dispenza, Tony Robbins, Caroline Myss, Thomas Hubl, Dr. Stephen Porges, Dr. Peter Levine, Jodk Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ken Wilbur, Dan Siegel and others.  And NeuroDynamic Breathwork has been featured in the London Times, Elephant Journal, Luxx Magazine, CBS and NBC.

 After spending the first 35 years of his life following a path that had been imprinted on him through cultural and family conditioning, he finally stepped into his own creative potential and quit his upper management job in a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company to become an entrepreneur, creating several successful multi-million dollar “brick and mortar” businesses. In addition, after becoming certified as a Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator in 2009, he founded Holotropic Breathwork LA to introduce in-person Holotropic Breathwork Workshops to the Los Angeles Area where he is now facilitating some of the largest HB workshops in the country and he has worked with over 5,000 people over the last decade.

Because of his research into neuroscience, he understood that to get the maximum benefit from this work (so participants can start getting easier access to this inner intelligence in their everyday lives) it is ideal for breathwork to be done on a regular basis to strengthen that neural pathway.

In 2016, during one of his own breathwork sessions, he received a download that it was his mission in life to bring breathwork to the world in a way that was accessible and inexpensive so that as many people as possible could receive the benefits of this amazing modality so he decided to focus on researching and developing a new type of breathwork experience that can be done effectively in a more convenient, less expensive format online. It took over a year to research the technology available and optimize the format but now he is conducting online  sessions 4 – 5 times every week with this cutting-edge new type of breathwork which he created that he calls Neurodynamic Breathwork©. He has now worked with over 45,000 breathers online who live in over 120 different countries.

In an approximately two hour powerful live Neurodynamic Breathwork Online (or just “Breathwork Online” for short) Workshop which includes a 60 minute breathing session to a carefully designed powerful music set,  you can experience an expanded state of awareness where your mind chatter subsides.  This makes it possible for you to access the inner healing power as well as inner guidance which resides inside of you. We are all born with this magnificent intelligence which regulates our body and brain and sustains our lives. However, our crowded, conditioned mind automatically connects with the same old thinking patterns and traps ourselves into repetitive emotional dramas. When that happens we have no idea how to access this inner intelligence. As a matter of fact, many of us are not even aware that we have this unfathomable intelligence within ourselves.

Participants can now access these two hour Neurodynamic Breathwork Online workshops up to 5 times per week from the comfort of their own home and are getting amazing results.

After developing Neurodynamic Breathwork, Michael turned his attention to working with the principles that make breathwork so powerful and, using his science background, developed a workshop that allows participants to understand how their brain works in the areas of memory and perception and to use that information to consciously create their desired future.  He launched this workshop with Saemi Nakamura in 2017.

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Miles Kessler

Mindfulness Facilitator, Aikido Teacher

Miles is an American teacher of Aikido (6th Dan Aikikai), meditation, and Integral Practice.

He’s a dual-lineage holder in both the Iwama tradition of Aikido and the Burmese Mahasi tradition of Meditation.

Miles is the founder and director of the Integral Dojo in Tel Aviv, as well as the non-profit organization Aikido Without Borders in Israel/Palestine.

For two decades, Miles has been producing innovative Aikido events around the world, which have been attended by thousands of people.

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Patricia Aguirre

Family Constellations Facilitator

Patricia is co-lead trainer of the Trauma Coaching and Courage to Lead courses and works extensively with women through private sessions and workshops.

She combines deep processes of shadow work through different models of therapy and trauma work with almost two decades on the spiritual path.

Patricia weaves both of these visions into her work where she leads women into states of strength and empowerment, peace and fulfilment in life, as expressed by many of the women she has worked with.

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Roma Norriss

Parenting Consultant

Roma Norriss is a mother of four, and has 15 years experience working with thousands of parents as a parenting instructor, speaker and consultant internationally.

She’s a master listener and practices and teaches an approach that is entirely centred around listening.

Roma also runs a 6-month self mastery container called Deep Work, where participants are supported to very effectively unravel painful patterns at their emotional root.

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Fleet Maull

CEO & Founder, Heart Mind Institute

Fleet Maull, PhD, CMT-P, founder and CEO of Heart Mind Institute and Windhorse Seminars & Consulting, has been training CEO’s and other senior managers in embodied approaches to increasing their emotional intelligence and developing their capacity for both self-leadership and servant leadership for 22 years.  

A meditation practitioner and yogi for more than 50 years, he is a senior Dharma teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, a Roshi or Zen master in the international Zen Peacemaker lineage, and an IMTA certified mindfulness teacher.

Fleet teaches a deeply embodied and trauma-informed approach to meditation and awakening called Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness (NSM)

He is the author of Radical Responsibility: How to Move Beyond Blame, Fearlessly Live Your Highest Purpose and Become an Unstoppable Force for Good; Dharma In Hell, the Prison Writings of Fleet Maull; and The Resilient C.O., Neuroscience Informed Mindfulness-Based Wellness & Resiliency (MBWR) for Corrections Professionals.

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Dr. Martha Eddy

Somatic Movement Therapist

Martha Eddy, DEP, CMA, RSMT, EdD, and Licensed TBMC, is an international advocate of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy and speaker on Health, Wellness, and the BodyMind connection.

She is the Founder and Director of the Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement Therapy Training program, Co-Founder and Director of Programming and Research at Moving for Life, and Co-Founder and Director of Somatic Studies at Moving on Center.

Dr. Eddy has served on the certification program faculty for both the School for Body-Mind Centering® and the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies and is the former President of ISMETA. Currently the Geraldine Ferraro Fellow of Social Justice and Movement at Marymount Manhattan College, she has also served on the faculties at Empire State College-SUNY, Columbia, Princeton and New York Universities.

The author of Mindful Movement: The Evolution of the Somatic Arts and Conscious Action, Dr. Eddy has a new book titled Dynamic Embodiment of the Sun Salutation.

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Adam Barley

Author, Movement Teacher

Adam Barley is a movement catalyst, author, and the founder of ZeroOne, an evolving mystery school based on embodiment, presence and enquiry.

He began studying healing and meditation in the early ’80s, training with Gabrielle Roth in the ’90s to teach the 5Rhythms, and more recently completed Gabor Maté Compassionate Inquiry training. 

Adam has built a world-wide reputation for transformative experiences that combine influences from dance, voicework, tantra, trauma-informed therapies and meditation.

He’s got people moving more freely and breathing more deeply in businesses, schools, prisons, Balinese dojos and windswept mountain tops, as well as open studios for the public in over 25 countries, creating inspirational transformative experiences for individuals and groups.

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Jamie Catto

Author, Transformative Facilitator

Jamie Catto is an author, film-maker and musician running transformational workshops and events to reclaim all the treasure we edited away into the shadows and facilitate everyone daring to be more real, more fallible, more tender, more intimate. 

His mission is to create a world full of ‘walking permission slips’ where we all lighten up and enjoy the unpredictable human path together with humour, playfulness and a healthy dose of irreverence. Jamie’s workshops and 1-1s provide a refreshing approach to inner work with the right dose of playfulness and depth. 

He facilitates these professional, personal and creative breakthroughs by drawing from his own processes in ground-breaking film production, philosophy voyages and music career. Evolution and enlightenment happen a lot quicker and easier when we treat the whole process as entertainment instead of ‘working on ourselves’.

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Jane Dancey

Women's Coach

Jane is a certified Embodiment Coach, Somatic movement facilitator, Yoga Teacher and teacher trainer, Menopause and Female Pelvis Specialist, with 20 years experience in supporting women through transitions and thresholds of life, from menarche to menopause and beyond.

Founder of the online Embodied Female Pelvis course, specialising in guiding women towards holisitic pelvic health, wellbeing, intimacy and connection.

Accompanying women in their journey through menopause, guiding them towards the powerful and transformational but sometimes rocky rites of passage whilst supporting their physical and mental health.

A passionate advocate of feminine cyclical wisdom and the healing power of mindful somatic movement. I bring a multi-modality bio/psycho/social informed approach – working with the physical body, how it intersects with the mind, emotions/thought patterns and the outer influences of culture, society and personal history. An open minded seeker, constantly researching and evolving, often to be found with her head in a book or two.

A Funtional Kiniesiology practitioner in training, specialising in hormonal health.

An avid sea-swimmer and lover of trees. A mum to a teen girl.

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Adam Wilder

Human Connection Coach

Adam Wilder’s dynamic and charismatic presence as host, comedian, facilitator and social entrepreneur has been the inspiration for exceptional and unique ways of enhancing human connection over the last 20 years through his work with individuals, groups and as a talented performer.

His charm, passion, power and humour has inspired thousands of individuals to transcend new frontiers within themselves. Adam’s ineffable warmth and playful state of being puts people immediately at ease, building inclusive communities whilst enhancing connection and cultural understanding. He uses laughter, embodied experience and creative flow.

Adam founded the Togetherness movement in 2017 which has touched more than 20,000 people from across the world with a shared vision to serve, educate and personally develop and evolve through Adam’s many unique initiatives and workshops.  

Adam is known for creating ‘Shhh Dating’, the world’s first speed dating experience based on non-verbal connection games; the House of Togetherness pop up venue in central London and hosting the largest ever mass-spooning circle with 1,447 spooners at Wilderness Festival. 
Adam regularly delivers creative and culture-changing workshops to businesses and organisations. He is a trained counsellor, certified wheel of consent and circling facilitator and a massive advocate for playfulness and creativity.

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Mel Gutierrez

The Body Witch

Mel is a yoga teacher, personal trainer, energy healer, author and scientific-minded body researcher who also believes in the realness of magical practices. 

When she’s not teaching classes, workshops or clients, she’s reading and reading and reading everything she can about the body, mind and spirit.

Mel’s research (which includes neuroscience, anatomy, physiology, eastern medicine modalities of all kinds, witchcraft, etc.) is what has helped her to create individualised programs to help people even when they didn’t think they could be helped.

All that said, her greatest skill is using her intuition backed-up by a no BS evidence-based approach for developing a strategy to address individual needs.

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Saemi Nakamura

Holotropic Breathwork, Fractal Phenomenology Counsellor

Saemi Nakamura was born and grew up in Tokyo. Although she was having a comfortable life there, she felt that something was missing.  “Is there something more to life?” “What is the meaning of life?” “What is the purpose of my life?” So she left everything familiar behind and came to the United States to find out who she was. Because she thought that acting training might be able to help her explore the various facets of her being, she joined an acting school in Hollywood.  She has worked on films, television shows, and numerous commercials for over twenty years.  Her first memoir was published in Japan in 1998 and followed by three more books sharing her experience and insights living in Los Angeles. Her story inspired countless young people.

She had her first experience with an expanded state of awareness during a Holotropic Breathwork workshop in 2012. After a three-year-long training, she became a Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator in 2016. The same year, she met Mau Isshiki who is the founder of Theory of an Advanced World (TAW)/ Fractal Phenomenology and Fractal Psychology. Through studying TAW and receiving personal training from Mau Isshiki, she gained a significant understanding of life and human consciousness.  She designed a one day workshop “Train Your Brain, Master Your Life” with Michael Stone and contributes her energy introducing TAW and offering Fractal Phenomenology counseling sessions in America and permeating the knowledge of how people can free themselves from their own conditioning.

Along with facilitating a few of the Neurodynamic Breathwork Online sessions in the US, she has also brought Neurodynamic Breathwork to Japan and has facilitated both in-person and online sessions in the Japanese language,

Her hope is that everyone will discover the way to access one’s own divine essence and experience true freedom.

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John Spencer Williams

Author, Founder of The Ideas Lab

John Spencer Williams is founder of The Ideas Lab, the company that has helped thousands of people to find something they love, get it started, and make a living out of it.

John started his career in creative technology as a developer on pioneering special effects software (including on-site work at Disney Feature Animation, LA) and became Digital Media CTO at a startup before moving to head up a media technology consultancy team at Deloitte. John quit, declaring he never wanted another job for the rest of his life.

John consulted independently to the BBC and other broadcasters around the world before finally founding The Ideas Lab, running a popular London event called Scanners Night, and writing his first bestselling book Screw Work, Let’s Play, now translated into 10 languages (and which led to this new revised and updated book). John is also the author of Screw Work Break Free: How to launch your own money-making idea in 30 days, published by Vermilion.

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Leila Stuart

Yoga Teacher & Therapist

With decades of experience as a clinical massage therapist (RMT), Yoga teacher and Therapist,
and a lifelong passion for movement of all types, Leila is a pioneer in the field of movement

She is a respected international teacher, conference presenter and author.

Leila’s transformational system of therapeutic yoga evolved from her desire to empower patients
and students on the path to self-healing. Whether challenged with physical, mental, or spiritual
issues, Leila skilfully guides students toward a felt sense of their wholeness by exploring
experiential anatomy and the interplay between awareness, gentle movement, breath, and
mental patterns. With deep love, reverence and intuitive knowledge of experiential anatomy,
Leila specializes in transforming academic information into somatic awareness and life-changing experience.

Leila co-authored “Pathways to a Centered Body: Gentle Yoga Therapy for Core Stability,
Healing Back Pain and Moving with Ease” with Donna Farhi, and her second book, “Experiential
Anatomy: Therapeutic Applications of Embodied Movement and Awareness” will be published in 2024.

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Dave Rock

Flow Speaking

Dave Rock is a storyteller and spoken word artist. His performances mix raw life stories with freestyle poetry, creating a playful, heartfelt connection with people. His poetry, and writings on consciousness, creativity and transformation, have a passionate following. 

In Dave’s many conferences appearances, alongside very well known speakers, he is regularly chosen as a favorite speaker/teacher by participants. Dave has taken thousands of people on a journey to live their gifts, through Flow Speaking coaching and workshops. 

Dave teaches and coaches CEOs, writers, award winning performing artists, alternative communities, and conscious teachers and speakers. His offerings combine flow states know-how with playful shadow-work and transformational practices. It’s all about living our gifts in a light-hearted, embodied, and real here and now way. 

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Nir Esterman

Trauma Therapist

Nir is a teacher and a facilitator of Family and Systemic Constellations, Embodied Shadow Work and Bodywork. He developed Shadow Constellations.

Nir teaches internationally – online and in-person. He’s been a speaker at International online conferences, and specialises in working with therapists & facilitators of all kinds.

Nir is also a staff member of the Constellation Way School of Systemic Constellations and the Embodiment Facilitator Course (EFC).

He has a M.Sc in Science teaching – Researching Interdisciplinary learning and a B.Sc in Bioinformatics.

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Daniela Welzel

Coach & mindfulness facilitator

Daniela brings her unique blend of embodied experience to everything she does. She is authentic, honest and fearless in her work and honours whatever arises with grace, patience and presence. 

Daniela has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a diploma in police leadership science. She served in a bilateral training mission in Afghanistan, teaching Afghan police officers methods and didactics, psychology and code of conduct.

Daniela also holds a black belt in Aikido, and is a certified MBCT trainer. She regularly teaches workshops and courses on embodied self-defence and mindfulness, along with offering individual coaching.

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Flouer Evelyn

Dance Teacher, Coach

Flouer (pronounced “flower”)  is an embodiment facilitator and partner dance instructor dedicated to helping people navigate the many relationships in their lives, beginning with the relationship to oneself.
She has a warm and encouraging approach to coaching, fostering growth through a blend of acceptance, integrity, and effective boundary setting.  
Since 2010 Flouer has traveled the world facilitating experiences through Asia, Australia, North America and Europe.  As a proud graduate of both the University and Mentee programs at Embodiment Unlimited, she takes pleasure in integrating the company’s tools with her own modalities.
Though she was born and raised American, between her travels for teaching she can be found spending quality time with her husband at home in Turin, Italy.
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Ranko Ceric

Coach, Aikido Teacher

Ranko Čerić is a Martial arts teacher who’s exploration of positive impacts martial arts have on his students has led him to the embodiment world.
As a certified embodiment and trauma coach he is using his martial arts experience to help his clients overcome stress, trauma and clarify their life purpose.
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What our past students say...

Why we're doing this now...

Mark Walsh


“Sometimes I despair when I look at the world. Whether it’s war and suffering abroad, or the endemic mental ill-health I see daily at home, it’s hard not to just cry sometimes, isn’t it?

I find what helps though is doing something rather than nothing, and I know embodiment tools help. The Ukrainians I work with say they help, the coaches I train say they help, and frankly, they’re what gets me through the day quite often.

As ever, a disembodied world is a cruel and crazy world, and while much is needed, “coming home to the body” is a great start. I also see students really benefit from the embodiment tools we teach, so I’m confident all the “quick-wins” at this event are worth your time.

I couldn’t imagine not being “tooled up” right now, actually. Different things work for different people, though, so a range of perspectives and techniques is good. I’m lucky enough to know a bunch of great people in the embodiment space, so I hope this little festival brings you some wise elders and fresh faces.

Oh, and despite everything, maybe BECAUSE of everything, let’s have a good time doing it, eh?” 🙂

Immediate-access bonuses

(worth $149)

Only available for…

When you sign up for the Embodiment Festival, you’ll get access to the following bonuses:

Gabor Mate
Gabor Maté
Mark Walsh
Ron de Brito
Irene lyon
Alanis Morissette
Bessel van der Kolk
Richard Schwartz
Christina Dohr
Cultural Trauma cover

What embodiment leaders say...

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During most sessions, you’ll be learning resilience and connection tools to help you during 2024 – these are in green.

However, during the “orange” sessions, you’ll have the chance to volunteer to receive some 1-to-1 embodiment coaching live, on a topic of your choice. Come with something you’d like some support with, and let the teacher know in the chat, and you may be chosen if it seems like a fit to do during the time allowed (e.g. don’t choose something traumatic to be covered publicly in a short time).

Yes. replays will be sent out on January 19, after the live sessions have ended, and be available to watch for free until Sunday (January 21) night.

When you register, you’ll be sent an email that contains a link to register for our custom-built platform that contains your bonus learning materials. These will also available to watch on the Embodiment App, so that you can “learn on the go.”

After you register, you’ll be given the option to purchase the replays so that you can own them forever. This will be at a greatly discounted price to what they’ll be available for after the event.

The first reason is that we dream of a more embodied world, and we want these learnings accessible to everyone.

The second reason is that this event is a great introduction to what we do best – provide fun, effective trainings for coaches, facilitators and those seeking personal growth. This event runs much like our courses – a personal deep dive, followed by learning skills to coach effectively.

We support the running of this free event by selling replays and places on the course we’ll promote during it, CEC.

Have a question we haven’t addressed here?

You may like to email Virginia on She’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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