Help the people who need you, find you

Find clients through ethical, effective marketing 

Self-paced course

+ bonuses

Embodied approach

to change core beliefs

Develop a map

to get clients in 2025

0 students

across our courses

Develop a map

to get clients in 2025

Embodied approach

to change core beliefs

Wanna make a living without selling your soul?

Are you fed up with fake and pushy marketing? Tired of lies and manipulative sales BS?

You are not alone. 

“Normal” inauthentic  marketing is disheartening eh? If you refuse to compromise your integrity, then you may be wondering if there are alternatives where you don’t need to compromise your values.

On top of that, it can be scary to “put yourself out there”. 

But here’s the thing: If the work you do helps others, then the world needs to know about it. It’s good for everyone if you can make a sustainable living. So… how?!

Feeling frustrated or lost?

It’s hard to know where to begin with marketing…

Do you build an email list, post on social media, or buy adverts?

Perhaps you don’t know where to start or just hate the whole idea of selling.

Either way, it can be overwhelming. 

… But here’s the good news: ethical marketing is possible, and the basics are probably all you need.

Discover authentic, effective marketing

Imagine a life where you use your passion to help people, and aren’t worried about the bills. A life where you can reach those who need your work, while staying true to your values.

This is possible. You can overcome limiting conditioning, and lack of marketing know-how.

Embodied Marketing is for people who want to shift their relationship to promotion, and make a sustainable living. By shifting your embodiment, and applying some simple strategies, you can get more clients, and even have fun doing it!

It’s time to share your gifts with the world, authentically and effectively.

*Your other option is to wait for the utopia where rent and bills are paid in namaste. But let’s face it – you may be waiting a while 😞

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Embodied Marketing

Ethically get more clients

Practical tools
& techniques


global community

Embodied Marketing is an online course for coaches and facilitators who want to bring their unique gifts to the right people, but lack the direction, knowledge and tools to help their business take off.

With 12 hours of practical prerecorded videos, and an online platform for discussions with the course community, you’ll have everything you need to make a living in a values-driven business doing what you love. And believe it or not, you might actually start to enjoy marketing. Yeah, really.

You also can’t actually “fall behind” on the live course, as the support sessions and the ability to connect with others are there for your encouragement. We hope this provides the perfect balance of both flexibility and accountability.

This is for...

Coaches, therapists and facilitators

Who want to make more money and help more people doing what they love

Movement or meditation teachers

Who want to go full-time doing what they love

Everyday humans

Who want to easily make enough to spend more time doing other things they love

What's in the course...

The course has three main components:

Pre-recorded videos

12-hours of clear, practical videos in bite-sized chunks

Personal practice

For embodied change and business development

The pre-recorded content (12 hours total):

The inner journey

Develop a new way to be with marketing: mindsets, perspectives, embodiment - the inner “game”

  • Welcome to the course
  • Getting the most from the course
  • Personal background
  • Introduction to money mindset
  • The taboo of money
  • Right-sizing money
  • Common money stories
  • Discovering your money pattern
  • Your family and money
  • Your culture and money
  • Intergenerational issues
  • Gender money narratives
  • Judgment detective
  • Homeostasis
  • Scarcity/fear
  • Shame
  • Greed/enough
  • Power, love, freedom and ease
  • Entitlement/deserve
  • Self esteem
  • “Dirty” vs clean money
  • Gratitude
  • Comparisons/types of wealth
  • Money as a multiplier
  • Money and trauma
  • Your maturity around money
  • Your responsibilities vs big picture
  • Outsourcing
  • 4 specific mindsets – in debt, break even, comfortable, rich
  • Books on money mindset
  • Exercises introduction
  • Rewriting your money beliefs
  • Verbal discipline around money
  • Money, goodness and beauty
  • Money and service
  • Uncovering our money ‘why’
  • How much?
  • Defining money for you
  • Rich vs poor you
  • Writing your money story
  • Start talking about it!
  • Service, scale and guilt
  • Money phrases
  • Tracking spending
  • If money came to dinner
  • Generosity
  • Too much money?
  • Voice dialogue work
  • What would you do and NOT do for money?
  • Abundance fun!
  • What is value exchange?
  • Introduction to embodied exercises
  • Body scanning
  • Speaking and response recognition
  • Wad/bank account exercise
  • Enough in body?
  • Modelling the rich (who aren’t jerks)
  • Valuing oneself
  • Receiving exercises
  • Fight or flight and centring
  • Centring continued
  • Rich embodiment
  • Giving, receiving and caring poses
  • Relationship to money
  • Easy money
  • Money metta
  • Bringing existing skills to money
  • Good debt and bad debt
  • Financial “fluency”
  • Who are your friends?
  • The secret to avoiding bulls**t
  • Doing the work
  • What I learnt from The Embodiment Conference
  • Dealing with Criticism
  • Social media advanced
  • Covid – Navigating in uncertain times
  • How to spend your money
  • Defining success for you
  • The dangers of success

The outer work

Develop new skills to do marketing: strategies, tools, methods - the nuts and bolts

  • Why you need it
  • Saying the word
  • Jedi vs Sith
  • The sandwich model
  • Persuasion vs Fit
  • Marketing as romance
  • Marketing as life skill
  • Marketing as play
  • Marketing as a spiritual practice
  • We already have the skills
  • Generosity
  • Authentic marketing
  • You’re already a marketer
  • Marketing is love
  • Marketing reframes summary
  • Connecting to love
  • Rejection practice
  • Centred selling
  • 4 elements selling
  • The rhythm of sales
  • Playing the evil marketeer
  • Body radar
  • Taking up space
  • Inner critic
  • Warmth and power
  • Personal brand
  • Why, what, who, how, where, when
  • People buy your why
  • Benefits!
  • Problem, premise, promise
  • The “they don’t care game”
  • Benefits specificity
  • Niching – Play to your strengths
  • How to find your niche
  • Your customer avatar
  • Niching circles
  • Talking to your people
  • Brand values
  • Dealing with haters
  • Finding your clients
  • Building trust funnels and win-win relationships
  • Stages in the funnel
  • Intimacy and Community
  • Benefits of community
  • 5 levels of problem
  • Why is selling hard
  • The tantra of sales
  • The power of listening
  • Pain/benefit questions
  • Benefits and relationship
  • The importance of social proof
  • Social proof specifics
  • Sales models
  • Rob Kancler model
  • “Objections”
  • Using urgency and scarcity ethically
  • The long game?
  • How to reduce risk
  • Is your service worth it?
  • Making people feel special
  • Telling stories for impact
  • How to build your tribe
  • Three types of trust
  • Being remarkable
  • Be divisive
  • The cost of sex
  • Have a mission
  • Best, first, cheapest, biggest
  • Marketing with your personality
  • Domination vs Taoism
  • Attention and cynicism in the twenties
  • Be artistic, not an artist
  • Testing & measuring
  • Service advanced
  • The essence of marketing
  • Introduction
  • Getting quality referrals
  • Why visuals matter
  • Harnessing the power of social media
  • Copywriting: Messages that sell
  • Creating a sales page
  • Building a mailing list
  • Websites that work
  • The importance of pricing
  • The importance of being consistent
  • SEO
  • Facebook ads
  • PR
  • Viral marketing
  • The importance of market research
  • Your action plan
  • The importance of investing in yourself
  • The 80:20 rule
  • Mastering the art of learning
  • Know your numbers
  • Mentee stories
  • Recommended learning
  • The importance of sacrifice and hard work
  • Keeping your finger on the pulse
  • Ongoing ethics
  • 10 embodied marketing coaching sessions
  • Ethical Marketing for Facilitators workshop

Help the people who need your work find you

Reframe your relationship with money and marketing

Build your authentic marketing plan


Once you complete the course, you'll...

What past students learnt about marketing & embodiment...

Course teacher

Mark Walsh

Mark Walsh

Founder & CEO - Embodiment Unlimited

“Mr Embodiment” (Mark Walsh) is the author of Embodiment, Working with the Body in Training and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation.

He hosts The Embodiment Podcast (1 million+ downloads), The Embodiment Channel on YouTube (over 15M views), and led The Embodiment Conference (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a theme yet?

He co-founded the Embodied Facilitator Course, and the online Certificate of Embodiment Coaching. He has certified over 1000 embodiment coaches. 

Mark gained an honours in psychology (despite been an alcoholic at the time), and has taught widely in the corporate world where he pretended to be a grown up for years, including with blue-chip companies (e.g. Google, Unilever, Shell, Axa, L’Oreal) some of whom he charged wayyyy too much as they made him wear a suit.

Mark has over 25 years of experience of extensive embodied practice. This includes several years of residential live-in aikido training, experience in a bunch of other martial arts, loads of yoga, bodywork, improv comedy, body therapy, conscious dance, experiential anatomy and meditation.

He has also triggered… sorry, taught… many yogis, NGOs, police officers, The NHS and several militaries (e.g. in Sierra Leone). 

Mark has taught in over 40 countries (most of which will even let him back in), worked in various war zones, and taught over 50,000 children. He has headlined International Coach Federation events, taught at universities, in The House of Lords, lived with the circus in Ethiopia, founded the Sane Ukraine trauma education charity, and kissed a princess.

Embodiment is his obsession, life’s work, and frankly at this point he couldn’t get a job doing anything else. He dances like your dad at a wedding, impresses cats with his stroking, and offends pirates with his swearing.

He is now tired of writing in the third person. It’s getting weird. You get the point. 

With bonus learning from:

George Kao

Authentic Business Coach, Author

Since 2009, my full-time work has been coaching, mentoring, and teaching people to create sustainable & joyful businesses.
I specialize in helping people develop an engaging social media presence – via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube – and to nurture an authentic online reputation through their own blogs, videos, and books.
Clients seek me out when they want to grow an audience, stabilize a good income, and structure their work life so that they can experience deeper joy and freedom.

​​My mission is to deliver the best coaching and content that empowers every coach, healer, and teacher to (1) do their marketing in an authentic way and (2) operate their business with joyful productivity.

The values that inspire me: generosity, warm-heartedness, diligence, humility, light-heartedness, gentleness, balance, and authenticity.

Why I can help you...

“When I started out, the idea of ‘marketing’ scared and disgusted me. BUT I knew I loved embodiment, and that I didn’t want to spend my days doing anything else. So I slowly learnt how to make a living from it. 

Over years of trial and error, I got a bit better at selling what I do, and eventually students started to ask my advice on this side of things too. This actually really surprised me at first, as I still don’t see myself as a ‘business guy’. 

I have, however, managed to share my passion for years, and earn a respectable income in the process. That’s the dream, eh?! 

I’ve learned a lot along the way, and even had some big wins like The Embodiment Conference and the Sane Ukraine project, but the main thing is that I never had to get a ‘real’ job! 

Having now mentored many people into more successful careers in the area, I’m also confident that I can help others with marketing. Anyone starting out, or struggling in the field, can likely learn a thing or two from my mistakes if nothing else. 

This course is my blueprint to marketing in the embodiment world: my experiences, my downfalls, successes, lightbulb moments, mindsets, strategies, methodologies. Things that have helped me (a regular guy with a passion for working with the body) get to where I am today. It may well save you from learning it all the hard way.

In recent years I’ve built an email list the size of a small country (170k); attracted a social media following of nearly 50k people, taught in over 50 countries worldwide, created the world’s largest online embodiment event, started a not-for-profit charity in a warzone, hired (and learned from) many marketing specialists, copywriters and consultants, spent tens of thousands of pounds on courses and training, taught in the House of Lords (which made Mum very proud), founded the Embodied Facilitator Course, Embodied Toolkit and the Certification of Embodiment Coaching, and written several best-selling books on embodiment.

All while living my passion every day, helping people I like, and making a healthy living in the process.

Would you like to learn how to do that? It will be some work, but it’s way better than having to get a ‘real’ job, right?”

Mark Walsh

Mark Walsh

Founder & CEO, Embodiment Unlimited

What some leaders in the embodiment field say



Purpose Blackbelt

Discover, deepen and realign with your life purpose, so you're clear on what work you want to be doing.

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Authentic Business Planning

Online business planning course for self-employed professionals. Covers business models, growth plans, progress tracking, and more...

(worth $100)


Learn to Love Marketing

Expand your reach with effective, ethical marketing to turn your passion into a sustainable business.

(worth $99)

Tough-times guarantee

We get that times are difficult for many now, so we’re offering a return-on-investment guarantee.

We’re certain that you’ll make far more than your money back through this course. Improved marketing efforts will lead to more paying clients.

However, if you come to all the live sessions, watch the pre-recorded videos, practise the exercises, implement the marketing strategies for the next year, and still don’t make your money back, then contact us in twelve months.

We’ll refund you 100%. Simple. 

Find clients through effective, ethical marketing...

Embodied Marketing

Online course

Self-paced | 12 hours


  • Authentic Marketing Tools (worth $100)
  • Learn to love marketing masterclasses (worth $99)

Normal price


October sale price


Or spread your payments out with instalments>>>

Want to make sure this course is the right fit for you? We do too…

Contact Virginia on with any questions.


This course is pre-recorded.

We recommend watching the pre-recorded videos over a period of three months or more, which means about one hour per week.

Practice and implementation from these videos will itself take at least as long, meaning setting aside two hours per week if you aim to complete it in three months.

It’s by working through everything that you’ll see results. Honestly, we don’t want this course sitting unfinished. We want more good work out there, so please do follow through, so you can effectively share your work with the world 🙂

Honestly, marketing skills benefit every area of our lives, so it’s suitable for everyone.

Many on this course will be working in the embodiment, healing and personal growth spaces, or wanting to do so. But it’s for any heart-centred person.

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