Welcome to The Embodiment Festival community

You’ll get an email with details about The Festival, along with your bonus videos from us, within ten minutes.

If you can’t find it, please check your spam/junk folder, but if it’s not there, please contact us.

Exclusive offer:

Do you want to watch The Embodiment Festival in your own time?

All sessions are free live, and to watch on replay from January 19-21.

But if you'd like lifetime access to practise and integrate in your own time, you may also like to buy the recordings.

With 40+ sessions, this means no overnight cramming (it ain't school).

Regular price: $199

Super early-bird: $69



You’ll get lifetime access to all the sessions from...

mark walsh
Mark Walsh
Amanda Blake
Simon Borg-Olivier
Rick Hanson
Bayo Akomolafe
Jeff Brown
Kathleen Booker
Christina Dohr
Alex Howard
Donnalea Goelz
Michael Stone
Raja Selvam
Martha Eddy
Lucia Horan
Philip Shepherd
Patricia Aguirre
Anodea Judith
Ron de Brito
Jamie Catto
Adam Wilder
Philip Shepherd
Nir Esterman
Saemi Nakamura
John Williams
Jane Dancey
Leila Stuart
Roma Norriss
Fleet Maull
Miles Kessler
Adam Barley
Melissa Gutierrez
Flouer Evelyn
Flouer Evelyn
Ranko Ceric
Daniela Welzel

The Embodiment Festival full replays

(usually $199)

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