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The festival is split into two parts – resilience tools for daily life, and coaching tools for facilitators.

You can watch replays of the resilience tools sessions, or put the live coaching tools sessions in your calendar now.

Most sessions are 45-minutes long, followed by optional Q&A.

Our Top Tools for You & Your Clients

If you work with others and want to concrete tools that you can use immediately, check out the sessions in


We’ll share the three top embodiment tools that we’ve learnt facilitators can implement immediately from years of teaching this stuff.

If you want a summary of our best tools to use in your day-to-day life, see the sessions in


January 22


The third most-effective coaching tool

Christina Dohr

10am UK time

(5am EST / 9pm AEDT)

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Den Kopf mal auf die Rückbank setzen

Christina Dohr

12pm UK time

(7am EST / 11pm AEDT)

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The third most-effective coaching tool

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(1pm EST / 5am AEDT)

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Embodiment tools for less stress, more sex & perfect kids

Mark Walsh

7pm UK time

(2pm EST / 6am AEDT)

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Coaching demo's

Mark Walsh

9pm EST

(the following day at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

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January 23


Embodied spirituality without the gurus

Mark Walsh

9am UK time

(4am EST / 8pm AEDT)

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The second most-effective coaching tool

Christina Dohr

10am UK time

(5am EST / 9pm AEDT)

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Live coaching demo's

Mark Walsh

2pm UK time

(9am EST / 1am AEDT)

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The second most-effective coaching tool

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(1pm EST / 5am AEDT)

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Embodied emotional intelligence

Mark Walsh

7pm UK time

(2pm EST / 6am AEDT)

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Live coaching demo's

Christina Dohr

9pm EST

(the following day at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

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January 24


The most-effective coaching tool

Christina Dohr

10am UK time

(5am EST / 9pm AEDT)

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Live coaching demo's

Mark Walsh

2pm UK time

(9am EST / 1am AEDT)

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The most-effective coaching tool

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(1pm EST / 5am AEDT)

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Coaching demo's

Mark Walsh

9pm EST

(the following day at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

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January 25



Mark Walsh

9am UK time

(4am EST / 8pm AEDT)

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Mark Walsh

2pm UK time

(9am EST / 1am AEDT)

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Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(1pm EST / 5am AEDT)

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Replays of these sessions will be available from January 25-26…


Your Embodiment

Watch replays from January 20-21 to get a broad range of embodiment tools from different teachers around the world.

January 15


What the hell is embodiment?

Mark & Christina

10am UK time

(5am EST / 9pm AEDT)

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Why your new year resolutions fail

Mark Walsh

12pm UK time

(7am EST / 11pm AEDT)

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The lead edge of trauma

Mark Walsh

2pm UK time

(9am EST / 1am AEDT)

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Embodiment coaching demo

Mark Walsh

4pm UK time

(11am EST / 3am AEDT)

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How to coach with the body

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(1pm EST / 5am AEDT)

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5 ways modern life destroys resilience

Mark Walsh

8pm UK time

(3pm EST / 7am AEDT)

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An overview of the embodiment field

Mark Walsh

9pm EST

(the following day at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

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January 16


How to be energised yet calm

Simon Borg-Olivier

7am UK time

(2am EST / 6pm AEDT)

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Embodiment - der Schlüssel zu Resilienz

Alina Brand

9am UK time

(4am EST / 8pm AEDT)

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No more burnout: cycle awareness

Ruby May

11am UK time

(6am EST / 10pm AEDT)

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Being creative in troubled times

Jamie Catto

1pm UK time

(8am EST / 12am AEDT)

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Meditation for resilience

Karin van Maanen

3pm UK time

(10am EST / 2am AEDT)

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Breathing in the legacy of MLK

Kathleen Booker

5pm UK time

(12pm EST / 4am AEDT)

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Your "why" is your foundation

Mark Walsh

6pm UK time

(1pm EST / 5am AEDT)

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How to heal trauma 101

Dr. Albert Wong

7pm UK time

(2pm EST / 6am AEDT)

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Resilient relationships

Christina Dohr

9pm EST

(the following day at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

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January 17


Relax (even when the world burns)

Mark Walsh

9am UK time

(4am EST / 8pm AEDT)

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4 steps to embody emotion

Dr. Raja Selvam

10am UK time

(5am EST / 9pm AEDT)

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Beyond orgasms: pleasure after trauma

Yasmine Madkour

1pm UK time

(8am EST / 12am AEDT)

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How to stay centred in crises

Philip Shepherd

2pm UK time

(9am EST / 1am AEDT)

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The power of voice in resilience

Patricia Aguirre

4pm UK time

(11am EST / 3am AEDT)

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Shake off your trauma (TRE)

David Berceli

6pm UK time

(1pm EST / 5am AEDT)

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The neuroscience of embodiment

Amanda Blake

8pm UK time

(3pm EST / 7am AEDT)

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From anger to resilience

Ilan Stephani

9pm EST

(the following day at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

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January 18


Listening: 3 pro skills

Roma Norriss

9am UK time

(4am EST / 8pm AEDT)

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Unreasonable spiritual confidence

Martin Aylward

10am UK time

(5am EST / 9pm AEDT)

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Resilience through desire

Adam Wilder

11am UK time

(6am EST / 10pm AEDT)

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How to rest (even when you're busy)

Daniela Welzel

1pm UK time

(8am EST / 12am AEDT)

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Facing death (WARNING)

Karin van Maanen

3pm UK time

(10am EST / 2am AEDT)

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Resilient leadership

Ginny Whitelaw

5pm UK time

(12pm EST / 4am AEDT)

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Eyes as a doorway to resilience

Dr. Martha Eddy

7pm UK time

(2pm EST / 6am AEDT)

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Sensuality for resilience

Mel Gutierrez

9pm EST

(the following day at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

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January 19


When ordinary is gold

Adam Barley

9am UK time

(4am EST / 8pm AEDT)

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Menarche to menopause

Jane Dancey

11am UK time

(6am EST / 10pm AEDT)

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Transform reactivity

Ron de Brito

1pm UK time

(8am EST / 12am AEDT)

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Intergenerational resilience

Nir Esterman

2pm UK time

(9am EST / 1am AEDT)

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Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness

Fleet Maull

4pm UK time

(11am EST / 3am AEDT)

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Wie Achtsamkeit Resilienz fördert (und wie nicht)

Daniela Welzel

5pm UK time

(12pm EST / 4am AEDT)

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Cultivating spiritual resiliency

Miles Kessler

7pm UK time

(2pm EST / 6am AEDT)

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Resilience to trauma

David Treleaven

9pm EST

(the following day at
2am UK time / 1pm AEDT)

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Event leaders

Mark Walsh
Mark Walsh

CEO & Founder, Embodiment Unlimited

“Mr Embodiment” is the author of Embodiment, Working with the Body in Training and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation. He hosts The Embodiment Podcast (1 million+ downloads), and led The Embodiment Conference (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a theme yet?

He founded the Embodied Facilitator Course in the UK and Russia, and has trained over 2000 embodiment coaches in over 40 other countries (some of which will even let him back in).

He gained an honours in psychology (despite been an alcoholic at the time), and has taught widely in the corporate world where he pretended to be a grown up for years, including with blue-chip companies (e.g. Unilever, Shell, Axa, L’Oreal) whom he charged wayyyy too much as they made him wear a suit.

He has also upset… sorry, taught… many yogis, NGOs, police officers and several militaries.

He has worked in war zones, and entertained over 50,000 children. He has headlined International Coach Federation events, taught at Moscow State University, lived with the circus in Ethiopia, taught celebrities and kissed a princess.

Mark is an aikido black belt, and also has 25 years of experience of other martial arts, with yoga, bodywork, improv comedy, conscious dance and meditation.

Embodiment is his obsession, life’s work, and frankly at this point he couldn’t get a job doing anything else. He dances like your dad at a wedding, overshares about his gorgeous Ukrainian wife, and offends pirates with his swearing.

He is now tired of writing in the third person.

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Christina Dohr

Embodiment Coach & Somatic Educator

Christina is a co-lead trainer on the Certification of Embodiment Coaching course, a passionate dancer and improviser who holds an MSc in Social Sciences. 

She has an aikido black belt and is a master of integrated mixed modalities from many worlds. Her work has taken her all around the world, from London, Berlin and Switzerland, to South-East Asia and back. 

Christina guides groups and individuals through embodied enquiry exercises presented in a playful package while targeting greater self-awareness and personal growth.

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Event facilitators

Kathleen Booker

Conscious Connected Breathwork Coach

Kathleen Booker is an effervescent native New Yorker. Her energy is infectious.

Kathleen is passionate about Conscious Connected Breathwork therapy and knows first-hand the energy, healing, peace, and joy it creates in one’s life.

As a certified and insured Breathwork Coach, she has worked with many masters in the field of Conscious Connected Breathwork therapy.

For over ten years, Kathleen has used her Breath coaching and intuitive skills to support individuals in clearly identifying areas in need of growth, healing and focused goal creation.

Kathleen’s instinctive sense of what will motivate and empower her clients is the impetus for their transformation.

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David Berceli

Author, Founder of TRE

David Berceli, Ph.D. is an international author, presenter, and trainer in the areas of trauma intervention, stress reduction, and resiliency & recovery training.

He has lived and worked in war-torn countries and natural disaster zones around the world. Dr. Berceli specialises in recovery with large populations, and is also the creator of a revolutionary set of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE).

He is the author of three books that have been translated into 18 languages. 

David’s academic career includes a degree in Social Work (PhD), Clinical Social Work (MA), Theology (MA), Middle Eastern Studies (MA).

He is also certified as a Massage Therapist (MT), and Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT).

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Karin van Maanen

Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Karin is a yoga & meditation teacher with an MSc in Mindfulness Studies, and has been teaching compassion-based mindfulness full-time since 2008.

She delivers yoga teacher training courses, is a certified Embodied Yoga Principles teacher trainer, and is an Assistant Trainer on The Embodied Facilitator Certification.

She also has a background in community arts and works as a storyteller, often combining a range of embodied and creative approaches to support the personal and professional development of the people she works with.

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Simon Borg-Olivier

Physiotherapist & Yoga Teacher

Simon Borg-Olivier, MSc, BAppSc (Physiotherapy), APAM c-IAYT, has taught and studied traditional posture, movement, breathing, and meditation, with great masters from Tibet, Japan, India, and China for more than 40 years.

He is a physiotherapist, research scientist, and university lecturer. Simon has often been invited to teach at conferences internationally since 1990.

He is also co-director of YogaSynergy, one of Australia’s oldest yoga schools.

Simon combines modern medical science with traditional practices to create loving connections within the self for internal health and happiness as a model for how we are in the world.

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Jamie Catto

Author, Transformative Facilitator

Jamie Catto is an author, film-maker and musician running transformational workshops and events to reclaim all the treasure we edited away into the shadows and facilitate everyone daring to be more real, more fallible, more tender, more intimate. 

His mission is to create a world full of ‘walking permission slips’ where we all lighten up and enjoy the unpredictable human path together with humour, playfulness and a healthy dose of irreverence. Jamie’s workshops and 1-1s provide a refreshing approach to inner work with the right dose of playfulness and depth. 

He facilitates these professional, personal and creative breakthroughs by drawing from his own processes in ground-breaking film production, philosophy voyages and music career. Evolution and enlightenment happen a lot quicker and easier when we treat the whole process as entertainment instead of ‘working on ourselves’.

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Amanda Blake

Author, Embodiment Coach

Dr. Amanda Blake is the author of the award-winning book Your Body Is Your Brain, and creator of the Body = Brain course on the neurobiology of experiential leadership learning.

In addition to teaching about the art and science of embodiment, she works with progressive leaders worldwide to help them become their best self, enjoy life more, and make a bigger contribution.

Once an internationally competitive athlete, Mandy is skilled at cultivating high performance in herself and others.

She is a Master Somatic Leadership Coach, holds a degree in Human Biology from Stanford University, and is both a Fetzer Scholar and a Research Fellow at the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit.

She’s also a longtime yoga enthusiast, mountaineer, musician, and celebrator of life. Learn more at

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Philip Shepherd

Author, Founder of The Embodiment Presence Process

Philip Shepherd is the author of two books, Radical Wholeness and New Self, New World, and co-author of Deep Fitness.

He also originated The Embodied Present Process (TEPP), which is taught online as well as in workshops, retreats and Facilitators Trainings worldwide. The practices of TEPP help people recognise how their well-being is restricted by our disembodied culture. As people recover the intimacy of true presence, they soften into the deeper intelligence of the body, reconnect with purpose, and discover a new kind of freedom and possibility in their lives.

Find out more at

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Patricia Aguirre

Family Constellations Facilitator

Patricia is co-lead trainer of the Trauma Coaching and Courage to Lead courses and works extensively with women through private sessions and workshops.

She combines deep processes of shadow work through different models of therapy and trauma work with almost two decades on the spiritual path.

Patricia weaves both of these visions into her work where she leads women into states of strength and empowerment, peace and fulfilment in life, as expressed by many of the women she has worked with.

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Dr. Albert Wong

Trauma Educator

Dr. Albert Wong is the Director of the Trauma Certificate Program at Somatopia and a leading clinician and educator in the field of somatics, healing trauma, and the body-mind connection.

He has served as the Director of Somatic Psychology at John F. Kennedy University and Core Faculty at the California Institute of Integral Studies. 

Dr. Wong is the founder of Somatopia, an online educational platform that is dedicated to creating an embodied world at

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Ron de Brito

Empowerment & Compassion Coach

Ron is a Certified Embodied Facilitator, Radical Wholeness Facilitator certified with The
Embodied Present Process, Empowerment and Compassion Coach, Nonviolent
Communication Practitioner and Mediator.

She holds Grief Circles and teaches trauma-informed workshops.

Ron is passionate about helping people discover gentleness and compassion within themselves,
unearth their inter-connection with abundant resources and experience resonant vitality,
being in fully receptive humanity, in the Wholeness that can be felt in the body.

She was born in London to African/ Indian Trinidadian parents and attended Grammar School in Finchley, North London before becoming a secondary schoolteacher, mother, personal children’s tutor and research biochemist.

Ron coaches 1-to-1, holds group trainings and us a keynote speaker. 

She’s in love with aliveness and
being a vibrant light connected to everything in a beautifully interconnected universe.

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Miles Kessler

Mindfulness Facilitator, Aikido Teacher

Miles is an American teacher of Aikido (6th Dan Aikikai), meditation, and Integral Practice.

He’s a dual-lineage holder in both the Iwama tradition of Aikido and the Burmese Mahasi tradition of Meditation.

Miles is the founder and director of the Integral Dojo in Tel Aviv, as well as the non-profit organization Aikido Without Borders in Israel/Palestine.

For two decades, Miles has been producing innovative Aikido events around the world, which have been attended by thousands of people.

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Ilan Stephani

Trauma & Intimacy Educator

Ilan Stephani is a Berlin-based bestselling author, speaker and researcher on how to shift collective paradigms and un-learn cultural conditioning to gain back our natural orgasmic aliveness.

She walks the talk with endless curiosity, humor and ongoing research in the fields of embodiment, sexuality, trauma, health and mysticism.

Ilan gained nation-wide attention with her bestselling book “Skin and Games – What Sexwork Taught Me About Love”.

She offers online courses, in-person retreats and year intensives in both German and English.

Ilan shares her radical perspectives and practical insights through her popular global youtube channel and her podcast “YoniOnAir”.

She also has a free shaking experience available here:

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Roma Norriss

Parenting Consultant

Roma Norriss is a mother of four, and has 15 years experience working with thousands of parents as a parenting instructor, speaker and consultant internationally.

She’s a master listener and practices and teaches an approach that is entirely centred around listening.

Roma also runs a 6-month self mastery container called Deep Work, where participants are supported to very effectively unravel painful patterns at their emotional root.

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Fleet Maull

CEO & Founder, Heart Mind Institute

Fleet Maull, PhD, CMT-P, founder and CEO of Heart Mind Institute and Windhorse Seminars & Consulting, has been training CEO’s and other senior managers in embodied approaches to increasing their emotional intelligence and developing their capacity for both self-leadership and servant leadership for 22 years.  

A meditation practitioner and yogi for more than 50 years, he is a senior Dharma teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, a Roshi or Zen master in the international Zen Peacemaker lineage, and an IMTA certified mindfulness teacher.

Fleet teaches a deeply embodied and trauma-informed approach to meditation and awakening called Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness (NSM)

He is the author of Radical Responsibility: How to Move Beyond Blame, Fearlessly Live Your Highest Purpose and Become an Unstoppable Force for Good; Dharma In Hell, the Prison Writings of Fleet Maull; and The Resilient C.O., Neuroscience Informed Mindfulness-Based Wellness & Resiliency (MBWR) for Corrections Professionals.

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Ginny Whitelaw
GInny Whitelaw

Author, founder of Institute for Zen Leadership

Ginny Whitelaw is the Founder and President of the Institute for Zen Leadership and a Zen Master in the Chozen-ji line of Rinzai Zen.

A biophysicist by training, she combines a rich scientific background with senior leadership experience at NASA, and nearly 25 years developing leaders at such companies as Novartis, Dell, Merck, T. Rowe Price, Sprint, Mercer, Ascension Health, and JNJ.

A recognized expert in the development of the whole leader, Ginny has authored four books, including The Zen Leader.

She co-developed the FEBI®, which measures four patterns of personality that connect body, mind and behaviours, and trains practitioners worldwide in applying FEBI in their work.

In her nearly 10 years at NASA, Dr. Whitelaw became the Deputy Manager for integrating the International Space Station, for which she received NASA’s Exceptional Service Medal.

She holds a PhD in Biophysics, as well as a BS in Physics, a BA in Philosophy, and a fifth-degree black belt in aikido.

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Adam Barley

Author, Movement Teacher

Adam Barley is a movement catalyst, author, and the founder of ZeroOne, an evolving mystery school based on embodiment, presence and enquiry.

He began studying healing and meditation in the early ’80s, training with Gabrielle Roth in the ’90s to teach the 5Rhythms, and more recently completed Gabor Maté Compassionate Inquiry training. 

Adam has built a world-wide reputation for transformative experiences that combine influences from dance, voicework, tantra, trauma-informed therapies and meditation.

He’s got people moving more freely and breathing more deeply in businesses, schools, prisons, Balinese dojos and windswept mountain tops, as well as open studios for the public in over 25 countries, creating inspirational transformative experiences for individuals and groups.

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David Treleaven

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Educator

David Treleaven PhD, is a writer, educator, and trauma professional whose work focuses on the intersection of trauma and mindfulness.

He is author of the book Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing (W. W. Norton, 2018).

David’s offered workshops on trauma-sensitive mindfulness at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and the Omega Institute in New York.

Trained in counselling psychology at the University of British Columbia, he received his doctorate in psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and is currently a visiting scholar at Brown University.

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Daniela Welzel

Coach & mindfulness facilitator

Daniela brings her unique blend of embodied experience to everything she does. She is authentic, honest and fearless in her work and honours whatever arises with grace, patience and presence. 

Daniela has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a diploma in police leadership science. She served in a bilateral training mission in Afghanistan, teaching Afghan police officers methods and didactics, psychology and code of conduct.

Daniela also holds a black belt in Aikido, and is a certified MBCT trainer. She regularly teaches workshops and courses on embodied self-defence and mindfulness, along with offering individual coaching.

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Raja Selvam, PhD

Founder of integral Somatic Psychology

Dr. Raja Selvam, a licensed clinical psychologist in California, is a
senior trainer in Dr. Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE)
Professional Trauma Training programs and the developer of Integral
Somatic Psychology (ISP).

ISP, based on the emerging neuroscience of embodied cognition,
emotion, and behaviour, is a complementary modality developed to quicken
outcomes and shorten treatment times in all therapies; through
developing a greater capacity to tolerate a larger range of emotional
experiences in a larger body container.

ISP Professional Training Programs and Workshops have been offered in
nearly twenty countries in North and South Americas, Europe, Asia, the
Middle East, and the Far East.

The work of Dr. Selvam, grounded in Western as well as Eastern
Psychology, draws from the Kleinian and Inter-Subjective schools of
Psychoanalysis, the Analytical Psychology of Karl Jung, the bodywork
systems of Postural Integration and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, the
energy psychology modalities of Polarity Therapy and Emotional Freedom
Technique (EFT), the body-oriented psychotherapy approaches of Reichian
Therapy, Bioenergetics, Bodynamic Somatic Developmental Psychology, and
Somatic Experiencing (SE), Attachment Theory, the emerging neuroscience
and physiology of embodied cognition, emotion, and behaviour, Yoga, and
Advaita Vedanta, a spiritual psychology from India.

His book can be found at integralsomaticpsychology dot com
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Mel Gutierrez

The Body Witch

Mel is a yoga teacher, personal trainer, energy healer, author and scientific-minded body researcher who also believes in the realness of magical practices. 

When she’s not teaching classes, workshops or clients, she’s reading and reading and reading everything she can about the body, mind and spirit.

Mel’s research (which includes neuroscience, anatomy, physiology, eastern medicine modalities of all kinds, witchcraft, etc.) is what has helped her to create individualised programs to help people even when they didn’t think they could be helped.

All that said, her greatest skill is using her intuition backed-up by a no BS evidence-based approach for developing a strategy to address individual needs.

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Dr. Martha Eddy

Somatic Movement Therapist

Martha Eddy, DEP, CMA, RSMT, EdD, and Licensed TBMC, is an international advocate of Somatic Movement Education & Therapy and speaker on Health, Wellness, and the BodyMind connection.

She is the Founder and Director of the Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement Therapy Training program, Co-Founder and Director of Programming and Research at Moving for Life, and Co-Founder and Director of Somatic Studies at Moving on Center.

Dr. Eddy has served on the certification program faculty for both the School for Body-Mind Centering® and the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies and is the former President of ISMETA. Currently the Geraldine Ferraro Fellow of Social Justice and Movement at Marymount Manhattan College, she has also served on the faculties at Empire State College-SUNY, Columbia, Princeton and New York Universities.

The author of Mindful Movement: The Evolution of the Somatic Arts and Conscious Action, Dr. Eddy has a new book titled Dynamic Embodiment of the Sun Salutation.

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Adam Wilder

Human Connection Coach

Adam Wilder’s dynamic and charismatic presence as host, comedian, facilitator and social entrepreneur has been the inspiration for exceptional and unique ways of enhancing human connection over the last 20 years through his work with individuals, groups and as a talented performer.

His charm, passion, power and humour has inspired thousands of individuals to transcend new frontiers within themselves. Adam’s ineffable warmth and playful state of being puts people immediately at ease, building inclusive communities whilst enhancing connection and cultural understanding. He uses laughter, embodied experience and creative flow.

Adam founded the Togetherness movement in 2017 which has touched more than 20,000 people from across the world with a shared vision to serve, educate and personally develop and evolve through Adam’s many unique initiatives and workshops.  

Adam is known for creating ‘Shhh Dating’, the world’s first speed dating experience based on non-verbal connection games; the House of Togetherness pop up venue in central London and hosting the largest ever mass-spooning circle with 1,447 spooners at Wilderness Festival. 
Adam regularly delivers creative and culture-changing workshops to businesses and organisations. He is a trained counsellor, certified wheel of consent and circling facilitator and a massive advocate for playfulness and creativity.

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Jane Dancey

Women's Coach

Jane is a certified Embodiment Coach, Somatic movement facilitator, Yoga Teacher and teacher trainer, Menopause and Female Pelvis Specialist, with 20 years experience in supporting women through transitions and thresholds of life, from menarche to menopause and beyond.

Founder of the online Embodied Female Pelvis course, specialising in guiding women towards holisitic pelvic health, wellbeing, intimacy and connection.

Accompanying women in their journey through menopause, guiding them towards the powerful and transformational but sometimes rocky rites of passage whilst supporting their physical and mental health.

A passionate advocate of feminine cyclical wisdom and the healing power of mindful somatic movement. I bring a multi-modality bio/psycho/social informed approach – working with the physical body, how it intersects with the mind, emotions/thought patterns and the outer influences of culture, society and personal history. An open minded seeker, constantly researching and evolving, often to be found with her head in a book or two.

A Funtional Kiniesiology practitioner in training, specialising in hormonal health.

An avid sea-swimmer and lover of trees. A mum to a teen girl.

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Nir Esterman

Trauma Therapist

Nir is a teacher and a facilitator of Family and Systemic Constellations, Embodied Shadow Work and Bodywork. He developed Shadow Constellations.

Nir is based in Israel and teaches internationally – online and in person He’s been a speaker at International online conferences, and specialises in working with therapists & facilitators of all kinds.

Nir is also a staff member of the Constellation Way School of Systemic Constellations and the Embodiment Facilitator Course (EFC), Russia.

He has a M.Sc in Science teaching – Researching Interdisciplinary learning and a B.Sc in Bioinformatics.

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Martin Aylward

Meditation Teacher, Founder of Sangha Live

Martin has been practising meditation intensively for 30 years and has been teaching dharma and guiding people in their practice since 1999.

Aged 19, Martin left for India with a one-way ticket and no luggage. He spent most of the next four years in Asian monasteries, retreat centres and Ashrams where he developed a formal meditation practice based on Vipassana / Insight Meditation, while also exploring many different teachings and practice forms.

He spent several months with Ajahn Buddhadasa at Wat Suan Mokkh in Thailand and sat annual month-long retreats all through the 1990s at the Thai Monastery in Bodh Gaya with Christopher Titmuss. After ten years of practice, Christopher encouraged him to begin teaching. He has also studied and practiced with various Buddhist teachers and traditions, including the Vajrayana practices of Mahamudra and Dzogchen.

Martin spent two years living with Sukhanta Giri Babaji, a Hindu sadhu, at his hermitage near Dharamsala and has lived and practiced with various other Indian sadhus and Himalayan hermits. He was also a student of the Diamond Approach of A.H. Almaas for 13 years


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Ruby May

Educator & Leader in Menstrual Health

Ruby May is an educator, activist, coach and community leader in the field of feminine leadership and human connection, who is rallying for a revolution through listening to the wisdom of our bodies.

In these confronting times, as well as activism being something we do, Ruby is fascinated in the question of who we need to be. How do we feel our belonging and kinship with earth? And how do we embody balance, so we can respond to life from these places? 

Her initiative Know Your Flow, an online education and membership program brings together an international network of women who are exploring menstrual cycle awareness as a tool for developing body literacy, inspiring their leadership and creating cultural change. She also works as the community leader for the largest cycle awareness school in the world The Red School and the start up for peri-menopausal women Sabia. 

When she’s not facilitating groups of women, she is busy with her creation “The Game:’ which helps people connect more playfully and meaningfully.

Find her on: , and

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Yasmine Madkour

Sexologist, Somatic Experiencing Therapist

Yasmine is an Integral Trauma Counsellor, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and a SOMATICA-trained Somatic Sexologist.

Studying a Master’s in Psychology, she specialises in Systemic Trauma and Systemic Sex Therapy.

Yasmine connects women to their inner sense of safety to enjoy a life free from traumatic pain and stress, helping them to be curious with their nervous system and explore their bodies and their capacities for pleasure and play.

Her mission is to help women feel more in your bodies, get unstuck from old patterns, and become more of themselves.

Yasmine loves plants, writing, dancing, cooking, and making stuff out of other stuff, and is a parent to a very silly parrot, Chicko.

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Alina Brand

Intuition Coach, CEC Course Manager

Alina is a professionally certified Coach who focuses on using Intuition for empowering women to unfold all of their potential.

To access the body’s wisdom, she is using Embodiment Techniques that are also taught on Embodiment Unlimited’s flagship course, CEC – Certification of Embodiment Coaching.

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What embodiment leaders say...


There’s a part for personal practice and a part for learning to work with others. Splitting it this way makes it easy to differentiate, with the added benefit that we can add a break in the middle for integration of personal learnings. This break is also when replays can be watched.

Yes. Replays for part 1 will be sent out on January 20 and be available until the first session of part 2 on January 22.

Replays for part 2 will be sent out on January 25 and be available for 48 hours, also.

When you register, you’ll be sent an email that contains a link to register for our custom-built platform that contains your bonus learning materials. These will also available to watch on the Embodiment App, so that you can “learn on the go.”

After you register, you’ll be given the option to purchase the replays so that you can own them forever. This will be at a greatly discounted price to what they’ll be available for after the event.

The first reason is that we dream of a more embodied world, and we want these learnings accessible to everyone.

The second reason is that this event is a great introduction to what we do best – provide fun, effective trainings for coaches, facilitators and those seeking personal growth. This event runs much like our courses – a personal deep dive, followed by learning skills to coach effectively.

Got a question we haven’t addressed here?

Just email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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