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Reconnection Week

Get deeper connection in your relationships

(without forcing your partner to do anything)

Bring joy, playfulness and safe boundaries into your relationships – free online event.

26th – 29th July 2021

FREE Relationship
Reconnection Week

20 FREE masterclasses
60-minute sessions
5 x daily online
International friendly times

"These sessions helped me be a happier human! I'm now more self-aware and connected to myself and others. It helps make life that little bit easier and softer. I just love them!"

~ Inez Luz, Portugal

In 2021, healthy intimacy can feel beyond reach

True, loving connection has always been a little tricky for most of us, whether we like to admit it or not. As we come out from hibernation, we’re all having to re-learn how to be in our relationships.

The discomfort we can feel around intimacy lives in the body. Until we acknowledge and feel it, we may never get that deep connection we’re all longing for.

Accessing connection starts with the body

Being relaxed in playfulness, firm in your boundaries and authentic in your communication feels very different in the body to being uncomfortable, unheard and frustrated.

These masterclasses will give you embodied experiences of feeling authentic and clear in communication (and enjoying it), helping you step towards the connection you truly desire.

Relationship Reconnection Week at a glance

DAY 1: Mon 26 July
Safely access playfulness and spark

9 am

12 pm

6 pm

11 pm

3 am

DAY 2: Tue 27 July
Discover and set healthy boundaries

9 am

12 pm

6 pm

11 pm

3 am

DAY 3: Wed 28 July
Connect deeply with your partner

9 am

12 pm

6 pm

11 pm

3 am

DAY 4: Thurs 29 July
Become intimacy aware in coaching

9 am

12 pm

6 pm

11 pm

3 am

*Note: All times are in BST, 3am refers to the following day.

To see times in your own timezone please use a timezone converter. When you register we’ll provide you with links to add individual sessions to your calendar.

Who are these masterclasses for?

Everyone longing for deeper connection, including:

  • People in relationship, even if it feels quite ok right now
  • Single people looking to create more fulfilling relationships in the future  
  • People of all sexualities and genders

NOTE: This is about self development and personal transformation, not pointing fingers.

Coaches and facilitators who want to:

  • Continue their education in the nuances of intimacy
  • Help their clients overcome roadblocks to authentic connection
  • Get comfortable navigating this space with clients
  • Guide clients to set clear boundaries and to be more vulnerable

You'll learn how to...

Your masterclass teachers

(Hover over the images to view teacher bios)

(Tap the images to view teacher bios)

Christina guides people towards authentic expression and empowered relationships. She is an Aikido black belt turned passionate dancer with a background in social sciences.

Christina Dohr

Embodiment and intimacy coach, intimacy specialist and somatic educator

Adam supports people to come into a sense of personal sovereignty that invites authentic connection and helps relationships flourish. He has a background as a comedian and is a passionate intimacy advocate. 

Adam Wilder

Human Connection and Boundaries Coach, founder of Togetherness festival

Patricia has been a therapist, yogi and meditator for almost two decades. She is passionate about sharing deep spiritual work from a very grounded and earthly experience.

Patricia Aguirre

Co-leader of Embodiment Unlimited, Yoga Teacher & Family Constellation Facilitator

David is a seasoned teacher of movement/dance of two decades, His love for practice and research has led him to various methodologies in dance, contact improvisation, Pilates, Gyrotonic, yoga, qigong, taiji, the Feldenkrais Method and others.

Ka-nang David Leung

Lecturer for the School of Dance HKAPA

See more teachers

Rani leads with authenticity and vulnerability. She inspires others to access their embodied wisdom and deep inner knowing, supporting them to come into a healthy, honouring relationship with themselves and each other.

Rani Michelle

A heart-centred leader, specialising in intimacy, sexuality and feminine embodiment

Mark Walsh

Mark founded EYP after 20 years of practising yoga. He also founded The Embodiment Conference, The Embodied Facilitator Course, and Embodiment Unlimited.

Mark Walsh

Founder – Embodiment Unlimited, The Embodiment Conference, EYP

Melissa is a science-minded practicing witch who is dedicated to helping connect to their intuition through the power of movement.

Melissa Gutierrez

Body Witch and Yoga Teacher

Laura's special interests are experiential anatomy, micro movement, and creativity. She works in dance, theatre, fitness, and somatics.

Laura Ward

Laban Movement Analyst and Somatic Movement Educator

Jane specialises in supporting and accompanying women through transitional stages of life, from menarche to menopause and is the creator of The Embodied Female Pelvis online course.

Jane Dancey

Embodiment Coach and Somatic Yoga Teacher

Erika is dedicated to helping women break free of ‘niceness’, step into their authority and live according to their own rules.

Erika Chalkley

Embodiment Educator, Somatic Coach & Meditation Teacher

Vix helps overachievers, control freaks and recovering perfectionists to rebel against their own status quo and dive deep into the adventure to uncover their raw, brave, authentic selves.

Vix Anderton

Embodiment coach and recovering perfectionist

Jamie has been teaching yoga across the globe for over 20 years. She is the founder of Embodied Badassery, Erotic Blueprint Coaches, and is an embodied facilitator.

Jamie Abrams

Embodied facilitator, EYP & Yoga Teacher

Jason is the author of "Conflict = Energy, The Transformative practice of Authentic Relating." He's created thousands of hours of media for the Integral Institute and has taught Authentic Relating and Circling since 2012.

Jason Digges

Co-founder and Course Leader, Authentic Relating Training International. USA

Daniela brings her unique blend of embodied experience to everything she does. She is authentic, honest and fearless in her work and honors whatever arises with grace, patience and presence. 

Daniela Welzel

Embodiment Facilitator, Martial Arts specialist & MBCT trainer

What other people and coaches say


Our Embodiment Unlimited community is international, our students live from Australia to Mexico. The main purpose of having so many sessions is to cover different time zones, so that everyone has the opportunity to attend some of them live.

We will make the replays available for a few days after the event, but we strongly recommend attending as many live as you can. Because this is about relating, the practical exercises will be really revealing and worth taking part in when you can.

Yes it is. All the work we do is based on self-development, and even if you aren’t in a romantic relationship right now, the skills you learn will help you understand yourself and your relationship patterns better. They will also help you be more authentic and playful, helping you attract the right partner, and giving you skills to use with them once you do.

No. All the work will be done with the others in the container. You will have the opportunity to practice the skills in a safe container before applying them with your partner.

Start your journey to more fulfilling relationships today

60-minute LIVE masterclasses
26th – 29th July 2021

BST: 09:00 / 12:00 / 18:00 / 23:00 / 03:00

PDT: 01:00 / 04:00 / 10:00 / 15:00 / 19:00

FREE Relationship
Reconnection Week

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